Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Great Job to 
all of my 
AM students!

I was so impressed with your initiative and hard work today.  You helped make the Career Tech Ed Fair a HUGE success!

AM - I did not get a chance to collect everyone's game boards.  Have them ready to go next Wednesday after our AMBO visit!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE....................

Med Occ Sweatshirts are here! Click HERE to go to the link and order them.  You put in the size you want and pay.  Then they all get shipped to me at GHS and I will hand them out.  You only have two weeks to order them so get a move on people! They are 28 bucks and change.  That is for a minimum order of 20 sweatshirts if we order more we may get a price break which they would then send you the extra money you paid back to you.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Would you rather have a t-shirt? With an order of 20 we could get a t-shirt for $18.  Let me know how many of you would prefer the shirt and then I will get a quote.  I wanted to make sure there was a demand before I put a link out there!

Have a great evening.
Check back tomorrow to see if I have posted our March midterm! 

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