Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, March 2, 2015


Happy Monday Med Occ Students -
A couple of quick notes...

1.  You MUST print this blog out and bring it to class Wednesday.  I am fearful not all of you are checking it.

2. I have noticed a decline in professional behavior and dress in class the past month.  Absolutely no cell phones, no inappropriate wears, no slouching in seats,etc... You will receive a warning the first time and the second time will be a write up with a a warning that you could be removed from site if the behavior continues.

3.  Some of you have inquired about not going to site once you have reached your minimum 180 hours.  This is absolutely NOT possible. Med Occs is a year long program.  Once you reach your minimum number of hours you do not need to pick up extra hours but you are still required to put in at least 2 hours a day at site.

4.  I would like to take this time to reiterate that your site is essentially your job this year.  

5.  There are three types of letters of recommendations - 1. You were here, 2. You were here and did work, 3. As the person opens up your letter of rec. angels fly out of it and birds begin to tweet as rays of light are emitted from the letter. get the picture?   This is the kind of letter of rec that will make a difference.  This is what you want.  You do not get this if you merely complete the minimum requirements. GET MOTIVATED

Example - A former student had applied to USC and due to the overwhelming number of applicants did not get it.  However, after looking over this students resume and letter of recommendations, USC realized that they really did want this student there even if they did not have room for him.  So... they sent him to study for a year abroad in Paris to begin his schooling until there was an opening at USC.  You never know what might happen.  Levae as many doors open for yourself as possible!

What would you recommend to another student to create an environment that will get you a glowing recommendation from your site supervisor? Think about it and we will discuss it in class.


AM STUDENTS - Please plan to come on Tuesday, March 10th (2nd period) final and go to site Wednesday morning for our 3rd period final.  You must attend site Wednesday morning, please let your supervisor know now!

PM STUDENTS - Please plan to attend class at our regularly scheduled time on Wednesday from 1-3 pm. Please attend attend site as you normally would on Tuesday.

Foothill College will be hosting their Vet Tech info Night - I highly encourage you to attend as it is a well thought of and highly sought after program. It is also significantly cheaper than a private school like Carrington. Here is the FLIER!

Are you interested in additional community classroom hours? If yes, please plan to attend this live video chat from a MD regarding employment in the health care fields.  It will be hosted by Ms. Brinker on the GHS campus in room S-4.  that is the Science building, room number 4.  Not a GHS student? No problem you can still attend if you can get here and you can always be a couple of minutes late.  Let me know if you plan to attend.  Thanks - Ms. Buck

Topic: Exploring Careers in Medicine (MD, Nursing, Vet) 
Date/Time(s): March 4th at 11:30
Duration: 30 minutes
Presenter: David Ricardo 

As you can see, we are going to use them in the TLC only on Monday or Tuesday.  On their scheduled days for technology learning center, they should report to administration to obtain the ipads.  Their schedule will otherwise remain the same and they should report to their department.  Thank you so much for all you do.  WE JUST LOVE OUR ROP STUDENTS. 

Cat Elliot - AM
Marcus Casillas - PM 
Emily Betando - AM
Zara Saiyed - PM
Omar DeLeon - AM
Sahithi Narla - PM
Sabrina DeRegalo - AM
Cinthia Arteaga - PM
       N/A                                11             N/A                          12            N/A                            13
Cat Elliot - AM
Marcus Casillas - PM
Emily Betando - AM
Zara Saiyed - PM 
       N/A                                 18            N/A                           19              N/A                          20

Omar DeLeon - AM
Sahithi Narla _ PM
Sabrina DeRegalo - AM
Cinthia Arteaga - PM
     N/A                                   25                N/A                       26           N/A                             27
             N/A                          31

Have you ordered yours? If not, you only have a week left to place your order! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
The link to the order form is:

The month of March we will be focusing on preparing you for the CCMA.  To get you started I have created an assignment that will hopefully be very purposeful for you! Here you go!

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