Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Good Afternoon Med Occ Students!

Lots of announcements and schedule updates.  Please keep your sites informed!

GRANADA - Click HERE for your rally schedule for tomorrow.  It appears that the rally is split between 2nd and t3rd period.  If you are not in the rally then skip the rally and go to site for the potential for more time.  If you are in the rally then you will need to let your site know ASAP that you will need to leave early.

LIVERMORE HIGH - Click HERE for your rally schedule.  It appears that your rally will make you late to site if you go to it.  My suggestion skip the rally if you are not in it and go to site for some extra time.  If you are in the rally contact your site and let them know you will be there late.

AMADOR - Sorry this is how they sent it to me.  It appears you will be going to site late

     7:00  -    7:55    (55 min)
     8:01  -    8:36    (35 min)
     8:42  -    9:17    (35 min)
Brunch      9:17  -    9:26     (9 min)
      9:32  -  10:07    (35 min)
Opening Activities     10:13  -  10:19     (6 min)
Session A     10:19  -  11:21    (62 min)
Session B    11:21  -  12:23    (62 min)
Lunch    12:23  -  12:57    (34 min)
     1:03  -    1:38    (35 min)
      1:44  -    2:19    (35 min)
      2:25  -    3:00    (35 min)

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