Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz

Happy Tuesday Med Occ Students!

I see many of you starting to let your foot slip off the gas - AKA Senioritis, AKA lack of motivation, AKA getting lazy and calling in absence after absence (WHAT?!)

No more excuses! Make THINGS happen for yourself! 
Life is a marathon, not just a quick sprint, so keep on trucking!


  • You are Medical Occupation Students
  • You are investing in YOURSELF
  • You are gaining valuable employment skills
  • You are making a DIFFERENCE
  • You are more POWERFUL than you think
  • You are HARD WORKING
  • You are a LIGHT in someone's day
  • You ARE making things HAPPEN!

Do you need some inspiration? Check out this video -HERE  . It shows you how one little thing can make a very BIG difference and how very fortunate we are.  When you come into class, grab one of my famed post it notes and write down FIVE things you plan to do this week to make a difference!

AKA Gratitudes...

  • Thank you so much to QUINN MAXWELL - without Quinn I would not have a Med Occs video! She amazingly took all of my photos and video and put together a pretty awesome "rough draft" for an advertisement video for our class! HUGE PROPS!
  • Thank you to Marcus, Natalie, Kendal, Trisha, Britt & Zara for working the LHS Class Fair last week with me! You guys ROCK!
  • Thank you to Trisha, Nat, & Tanya for working the LHS - ROP lunch table today! You guys ROCK!
  • Thank you to all of my classroom managers.  I appreciate all of your help!


  • For tomorrow, please wear your scrubs to class.  You do not need to wear them all day, just for my periods and ASE.  We will be working with Ms. Mintz and checking in CTE presenters and helping with the Career Tech Ed Fair! Bring your A game
  • Please also plan to spend ASE with me unless you were assigned by another teacher already. 

Please pick up a NEW schedule from me tomorrow! Don't leave class without it!

There is no school on Friday, BUT... What a GREAT day to make up any missed hours that you might have OR Anticipate Your Need and think about days you might have to miss due to Senior activities or testing! Let me know if you plan to attend site on Friday.  Thank you!


  • Do you have a twitter account?                                                                                       If yes, please follow
  • Medical Terminology Game Board is due tomorrow! Click HERE  for details!
  • Career Project is due tomorrow!

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