Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. - Daniel J. Boorstin

Are your brains bursting with all of the 
information we received today?
I realize that not all of you are planning on emergency services or nursing, BUT there is much info to be had just from hearing about the different programs and how they work.  Please keep an open and POSITIVE mind as we listen to our guest speakers.  You never know what might click in your head!
Remember - it is all about useable skills and knowledge.  No more checking the boxes! (or cynically manipulating the system!)

Did you know that California is piloting a program to get your Bachelors from a Community College?
Check out THIS article to learn more about which schools are currently participating!

Thinking about Las Positas?

  • THIS SATURDAY is a student and parents info day! I hear it is a great resource so please check it out even if you are just throwing around the idea of Las Po.
  • The month of February is early admissions! Apply now and get a leg up on the classes you want! I have fliers in my classroom that go through the admissions process step by step.  See me if you need help!
  • Check out these two fliers for more information - FLIER 1 and FLIER 2

Huge thank you's to...

  • Juliana and Quinn for working the FHS Med Occs lunch table yesterday! You guys ROCK!
  • Kendal, Trisha, Victoria, and Natalie for picking up bags for our site gifts!
  • Marcus for donating candy for our site gifts!
  • Sam for donating candy for our site gifts!
  • All of my students sending awesome Med Occ marketing photos - Keep them coming!

We have CARRINGTON college coming in to present their different programs - they have vet tech, dental, and medical assisting! WooHoo!
We will also be putting together our site gifts as well.
Please check back tomorrow as I will be posting your homework assignment for this week.

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