Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, February 9, 2015

The fabulous world of CTE!

Happy Monday
Med Occ Students!
We have a new assignment and some new dates.  Please ask questions if you are confused on anything!


  • Please click HERE for our next project.  It is due Wednesday, February 25th and is worth 100 points!
  • Medical Terminology game board is due Wednesday, Feb. 25th as well.  AM Students you are more than welcome to work on it during ASE if you need more time.  
  • Haven't turned in your new goals yet? You need to! They are due this Wednesday!


  • To Juliana Fontana who endured a very long night at FHS to discuss the opportunities for ROP (as well as other classes! ) Thank you Juliana.
  • To Amy Truong for coming in and staying through her lunch to help me organize some paper work. 

February is National Career and Technical Education Month. Listen to the announcements to hear the CTE Career of the Day and join us on February 25th during A.S.E. and at lunch for the CTE Career Fair.

Sophomores, juniors and their parents are invited to College Planning Night on February
18th at 6:30—8:30 pm in the 300 hall at GHS.
 Attendants will have the opportunity to attend various breakout sessions on college admissions, preparing for college, admissions testing and

Las Positas Early Admissions began on February 1st. Seniors will have until February 28th
to apply for early admission to Las Positas.
All students must apply online.  To apply for
Early Admissions, visit

 Financial Aid season is upon us. For families with financial aid questions or would like more
information, Livermore High Schools' Financial Aid Workshop will be on February 10th at 7:00 pm in the Livermore High School Theater. A session in Spanish will be held simultaneously in room 107. Attendance is highly encouraged.

Seniors who plan to attend a California College must complete a CalGrant GPA verification
form and return it to your Career Counselor by February 23rd
to be eligible for state student aid.

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