Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Great Job to 
all of my 
AM students!

I was so impressed with your initiative and hard work today.  You helped make the Career Tech Ed Fair a HUGE success!

AM - I did not get a chance to collect everyone's game boards.  Have them ready to go next Wednesday after our AMBO visit!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE....................

Med Occ Sweatshirts are here! Click HERE to go to the link and order them.  You put in the size you want and pay.  Then they all get shipped to me at GHS and I will hand them out.  You only have two weeks to order them so get a move on people! They are 28 bucks and change.  That is for a minimum order of 20 sweatshirts if we order more we may get a price break which they would then send you the extra money you paid back to you.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Would you rather have a t-shirt? With an order of 20 we could get a t-shirt for $18.  Let me know how many of you would prefer the shirt and then I will get a quote.  I wanted to make sure there was a demand before I put a link out there!

Have a great evening.
Check back tomorrow to see if I have posted our March midterm! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz

Happy Tuesday Med Occ Students!

I see many of you starting to let your foot slip off the gas - AKA Senioritis, AKA lack of motivation, AKA getting lazy and calling in absence after absence (WHAT?!)

No more excuses! Make THINGS happen for yourself! 
Life is a marathon, not just a quick sprint, so keep on trucking!


  • You are Medical Occupation Students
  • You are investing in YOURSELF
  • You are gaining valuable employment skills
  • You are making a DIFFERENCE
  • You are more POWERFUL than you think
  • You are HARD WORKING
  • You are a LIGHT in someone's day
  • You ARE making things HAPPEN!

Do you need some inspiration? Check out this video -HERE  . It shows you how one little thing can make a very BIG difference and how very fortunate we are.  When you come into class, grab one of my famed post it notes and write down FIVE things you plan to do this week to make a difference!

AKA Gratitudes...

  • Thank you so much to QUINN MAXWELL - without Quinn I would not have a Med Occs video! She amazingly took all of my photos and video and put together a pretty awesome "rough draft" for an advertisement video for our class! HUGE PROPS!
  • Thank you to Marcus, Natalie, Kendal, Trisha, Britt & Zara for working the LHS Class Fair last week with me! You guys ROCK!
  • Thank you to Trisha, Nat, & Tanya for working the LHS - ROP lunch table today! You guys ROCK!
  • Thank you to all of my classroom managers.  I appreciate all of your help!


  • For tomorrow, please wear your scrubs to class.  You do not need to wear them all day, just for my periods and ASE.  We will be working with Ms. Mintz and checking in CTE presenters and helping with the Career Tech Ed Fair! Bring your A game
  • Please also plan to spend ASE with me unless you were assigned by another teacher already. 

Please pick up a NEW schedule from me tomorrow! Don't leave class without it!

There is no school on Friday, BUT... What a GREAT day to make up any missed hours that you might have OR Anticipate Your Need and think about days you might have to miss due to Senior activities or testing! Let me know if you plan to attend site on Friday.  Thank you!


  • Do you have a twitter account?                                                                                       If yes, please follow
  • Medical Terminology Game Board is due tomorrow! Click HERE  for details!
  • Career Project is due tomorrow!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Good Afternoon Med Occ Students!

Lots of announcements and schedule updates.  Please keep your sites informed!

GRANADA - Click HERE for your rally schedule for tomorrow.  It appears that the rally is split between 2nd and t3rd period.  If you are not in the rally then skip the rally and go to site for the potential for more time.  If you are in the rally then you will need to let your site know ASAP that you will need to leave early.

LIVERMORE HIGH - Click HERE for your rally schedule.  It appears that your rally will make you late to site if you go to it.  My suggestion skip the rally if you are not in it and go to site for some extra time.  If you are in the rally contact your site and let them know you will be there late.

AMADOR - Sorry this is how they sent it to me.  It appears you will be going to site late

     7:00  -    7:55    (55 min)
     8:01  -    8:36    (35 min)
     8:42  -    9:17    (35 min)
Brunch      9:17  -    9:26     (9 min)
      9:32  -  10:07    (35 min)
Opening Activities     10:13  -  10:19     (6 min)
Session A     10:19  -  11:21    (62 min)
Session B    11:21  -  12:23    (62 min)
Lunch    12:23  -  12:57    (34 min)
     1:03  -    1:38    (35 min)
      1:44  -    2:19    (35 min)
      2:25  -    3:00    (35 min)

Thursday, February 12, 2015



...O r Not! Wait - That is more than one word though!  In only one word I want to know how YOU ,  my fabulous Med Occ students would describe the Med Occ experience.  Think beyond awesome and fun ;)  Please write it down on a piece of paper and take a selfie in your scrubs with the sign - or just have someone else take the photo.  But remember only one word! If you participate your name will go into a raffle drawing for next weeks class! You have until Monday morning to send it to me to make it into the raffle!

GHS Students - If you are on campus tomorrow at lunch please drop by my classroom.  I am quickly trying to put together a video for ROP about Med Occs and wanted to get your take.  There is CANDY involved! All help is greatly appreciated.


I will be at site tomorrow in the am and pm to catch photos and video of you in action.  Be ready to show me around if I come your way! For obvious HIPAA violation issues I will not film or photo any human patients!

February is National Career and Technical Education Month.Listen to the announcements to hear the CTE Career of the Day and join us on February 25th during A.S.E. and at lunch for the CTE Career Fair.

Sophomores, juniors and their parents are invited to College Planning Night on February 18th at 6:30—8:30 pm in the 300 hall at GHS. Attendants will have the opportunity to attend various breakout sessions on college admissions, preparing for college, admissions testing and

Las Positas Early Admissions began on February 1st. Seniors will have until February 28th to apply for early admission to Las Positas. All students must apply online.  To apply for Early Admissions, visit

 Financial Aid season is upon us. For families with financial aid questions or would like more
information, Livermore High Schools' Financial Aid Workshop will be on February 10th at 7:00 pm in the Livermore High School Theater. A session in Spanish will be held simultaneously in room 107. Attendance is highly encouraged.

Seniors who plan to attend a California College must complete a CalGrant GPA verification form and return it to your Career Counselor by February 23rdto be eligible for state student aid.

Some of you said the timesheet from the previous blog would not print.  Try this ONE!  

A HUGE thank you to ALL of my fabulous students who brought candy for class.  I think the bags turned out great and your effort was much appreciated.  As always it was Med Occs working as a team! Great job you guys!  Some of you wanted to take a couple of more and I asked you to wait.  After I give out all of the ones that I need to if there are left overs please feel free to grab a couple of more.  GRATITUDE is always the best policy!

  • Please click HERE for our next project.  It is due Wednesday, February 25th and is worth 100 points!
  • Medical Terminology game board is due Wednesday, Feb. 25th as well.  AM Students you are more than welcome to work on it during ASE if you need more time.  
  • Haven't turned in your new goals yet? You need to! They are due this Wednesday!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The fabulous world of CTE!

Happy Monday
Med Occ Students!
We have a new assignment and some new dates.  Please ask questions if you are confused on anything!


  • Please click HERE for our next project.  It is due Wednesday, February 25th and is worth 100 points!
  • Medical Terminology game board is due Wednesday, Feb. 25th as well.  AM Students you are more than welcome to work on it during ASE if you need more time.  
  • Haven't turned in your new goals yet? You need to! They are due this Wednesday!


  • To Juliana Fontana who endured a very long night at FHS to discuss the opportunities for ROP (as well as other classes! ) Thank you Juliana.
  • To Amy Truong for coming in and staying through her lunch to help me organize some paper work. 

February is National Career and Technical Education Month. Listen to the announcements to hear the CTE Career of the Day and join us on February 25th during A.S.E. and at lunch for the CTE Career Fair.

Sophomores, juniors and their parents are invited to College Planning Night on February
18th at 6:30—8:30 pm in the 300 hall at GHS.
 Attendants will have the opportunity to attend various breakout sessions on college admissions, preparing for college, admissions testing and

Las Positas Early Admissions began on February 1st. Seniors will have until February 28th
to apply for early admission to Las Positas.
All students must apply online.  To apply for
Early Admissions, visit

 Financial Aid season is upon us. For families with financial aid questions or would like more
information, Livermore High Schools' Financial Aid Workshop will be on February 10th at 7:00 pm in the Livermore High School Theater. A session in Spanish will be held simultaneously in room 107. Attendance is highly encouraged.

Seniors who plan to attend a California College must complete a CalGrant GPA verification
form and return it to your Career Counselor by February 23rd
to be eligible for state student aid.

Friday, February 6, 2015

PUSD Students ...

PLEASANTON STUDENTS ONLY - You do NOT have school on Monday, but this would be a fabulous time to pick up extra hours at site! Please let me know what your plan is! Thanks.

To Everyone - Please drive safe in this crazy weather and have a great weekend! Ms. B

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. - Daniel J. Boorstin

Are your brains bursting with all of the 
information we received today?
I realize that not all of you are planning on emergency services or nursing, BUT there is much info to be had just from hearing about the different programs and how they work.  Please keep an open and POSITIVE mind as we listen to our guest speakers.  You never know what might click in your head!
Remember - it is all about useable skills and knowledge.  No more checking the boxes! (or cynically manipulating the system!)

Did you know that California is piloting a program to get your Bachelors from a Community College?
Check out THIS article to learn more about which schools are currently participating!

Thinking about Las Positas?

  • THIS SATURDAY is a student and parents info day! I hear it is a great resource so please check it out even if you are just throwing around the idea of Las Po.
  • The month of February is early admissions! Apply now and get a leg up on the classes you want! I have fliers in my classroom that go through the admissions process step by step.  See me if you need help!
  • Check out these two fliers for more information - FLIER 1 and FLIER 2

Huge thank you's to...

  • Juliana and Quinn for working the FHS Med Occs lunch table yesterday! You guys ROCK!
  • Kendal, Trisha, Victoria, and Natalie for picking up bags for our site gifts!
  • Marcus for donating candy for our site gifts!
  • Sam for donating candy for our site gifts!
  • All of my students sending awesome Med Occ marketing photos - Keep them coming!

We have CARRINGTON college coming in to present their different programs - they have vet tech, dental, and medical assisting! WooHoo!
We will also be putting together our site gifts as well.
Please check back tomorrow as I will be posting your homework assignment for this week.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Quick reminders...

Good Afternoon Med Occ Students
Just a couple of quick reminders for tomorrow!

YES, there IS class tomorrow for both AM and PM! See below for tomorrow's schedule.

  • Wednesday, February 4th - CaSHEE TESTING AGAIN... But - I have two guest speakers in the morning so even though you are not scheduled to come to class I want you here.  We will have the Nursing Director from Chabot and the Paramedic Program Director from Las Positas coming to present! AM CLASS BE HERE AT 9:30 sharp!  PM Class - We will have guest speakers in the afternoon too! 
  • VET STUDENTS - Wednesday, February 4th - Click HERE for a flier from Foothill Community College! Word on the street is that vet offices are more likely to hire from Foothill than from any other vet tech program.  They will be coming to our class to present but it may be worth your while to go check it out. They will also be having an open house in March.

I am in the process of getting everything ready for our MedOcc Partner Appreciation gifts! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - If there is any way you would be willing to bring in one bag of Valentine candy, anything red, I would greatly appreciate the donation to our class.  You can start bringing it in this Wednesday! Thank you in advance.

Things that need to be turned in tomorrow...
Mini-Me project
New Goals / Objectives
Time Sheets!

I am loving the "selfies" from Career Tech Ed extra credit week! Keep them coming! 
Any questions, feel free to give me a ring, text, or email me! Have a great evening!