Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Friday, May 29, 2015


Please click HERE to nominate TWO of your peers for the Med Occ Gold Award!

I still need three more for 100% completion. PLEASE follow up with Las Positas.  Call them and ask to speak to a live person or even better just drive up there. I MUST have them by Wednesday!

Please RSVP as soon as possible.  If you know for sure you CAN NOT make it please let me know so I am not calling your name expecting you to be there.  Dessert and Refreshments will be provided.

Did you volunteer to present at a meeting this year for me? Did you give blood? Did you work with our partner the Good News Bears? Let me know and I will print out a certificate for you for your portfolio.  Please email me at: instead of texting!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The last thing you want to do is finish playing or doing anything and wish you would have worked harder. Derek Jeter

I have been getting lots of emails and texts about the portfolio. That's not a bad thing.  Keep the questions coming but please do not freak out!
Here are some FAQ's

  • How many letters of rec do I need? - I would prefer you to have at least two. I am hoping one of these is from your supervisor but some of you might not have one from them yet so make sure to get one from someone else.
  • What is the community classroom essay? A one page essay detailing your experience about your internship. Specifically include what experiences you came away with and will take with you as you move forward.
  • W-4? Ack What is that?  - Please bring a blank one to class and I will help you fill out if you have not done one before.
  • What if  I do not have a research paper? Put in some sort of writing assignment or lab that you are proud of and that shows your work as a student.
  • Who do you address the thank you / cover letter to? It can be general.  You can write it to Dear Sir, or Madam however one of your goals in the portfolio is to actually find a job to apply to so you should address everything toward that position.
  • Any other questions? Text me up until 7 tonight! 
  • Portfolios are due tomorrow.  If you need extra time you may turn it in late but there will be a 20 point deduction for turning it in next Wednesday. 
  • If you have not already you will receive your CPR cards and immunizations back to put in your portfolio tomorrow.
You will get your study guide for the final tomorrow! We are almost there! WooHoo!

Please, please, please bring either your W number to class tomorrow or your social number so I can help you through the process of getting your W number.
People who STILL need to turn it in are...
Mia Volpatti
Dennis Faux
Kaylee Fuller
Kayla Lindsay
Brittney Turner 

Please do not forget to give a copy of your June calendar to your site! If you need to refer to dates please check the calendar on the blog.

Please RSVP so I know how many students will be coming - I have only heard from two of you so far.  Thanks - Ms. Buckley!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

EDUCATE to prevent the PROCRASTINATE so there will be no more PARKGATE


The title of this Blog was inspired by a security guard at one of our sites... it made me laugh... please follow it! I appreciate him being so flexible with us!

Please make sure to bring this parent letter tomorrow to class SIGNED by your parent!

Next Wednesday we will have a representative from the California Certified Medical Assisting Board come to speak to both of my class from 9-11 am at Granada.  This does not change any schedules for my AM students but it does require a permission slip form for my PM students.  My afternoon class will be held in the morning and they will NOT have class from 1-3 next Wednesday.  Students are encouraged to pick up extra hours at site that Wednesday afternoon as my PM students have a week less at site than my AM class.  For my students who can not be there I will videotape the presentation and post to the blog.

Last day of site...
PM Students are scheduled for a June 5th last day of site with June 9th being our last day together in class with the exception of Livermore High. LHS will continue with me through to June 17th

AM students are scheduled for June 12th as their last day of site with June 17th as our last day of class together.  Why the discrepancy in days you might ask? DHS, AVHS, & FHS all graduate a week earlier than GHS & LHS

Med Occ Banquet
Don't forget to plan for our Med Occ Banquet for Thursday, June 4th from 6-8 in the Student Union here at GHS! Please let me know if you will not be able to make it.  

Las Positas Articulation Credit
Sorry to put you on blast but I really need you to get your W number to me last week!
Here is a list of the students who still need to get their articulation forms into me...
Dennis Faux
Kaylee Fuller
Kayla Lindsay
Shay Simmons
Britt Turner
Mia Volpatti

PORTFOLIOS - click on the word portfolio to get a copy of the handout!
If you need an extra Portfolio grading rubric it is linked above! Please be working 20 minutes each evening on your portfolio.  Remember you need to apply for at least one scholarship! Juniors - Get a list from your career counselors of potential scholarships for next fall. Obviously you also do not have college acceptance letters so you need to print out some potential colleges and programs you are interested in applying to next year.  

STUDY GUIDE - Click on the words STUDY GUIDE to link you to the study guide!
Change next week's quiz to 30 questions - multiple choice, and true/false.  No freaking out! 
Covers Urinary Tract System, Digestive, Respiratory System

Just a friendly reminder to PLEASE park in the designated employee section of your medical/vet site.  I hate being pulled out of a scholarship luncheon to deal with parking issues.

On another note, please DO NOT EVER sign for your supervisor - even if they ask you to! I NEED their signatures.  Your time sheets are LEGAL documents and are filed with the State of California and the Certifying Medical Assisting Board.  This is considered forgery.  Thank you!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. - Christopher Reeve

Happy Thursday Med Occ Students!

I emailed out this parent letter today, but some of the emails were unfortunately bounced back.  Please print this out, have your parent sign it to confirm they have read it and return to class next Wednesday.  Easy 20 points! 

Next Wednesday we will have a representative from the California Certified Medical Assisting Board come to speak to both of my class from 9-11 am at Granada.  This does not change any schedules for my AM students but it does require a permission slip form for my PM students.  My afternoon class will be held in the morning and they will NOT have class from 1-3 next Wednesday.  Students are encouraged to pick up extra hours at site that Wednesday afternoon as my PM students have a week less at site than my AM class.  For my students who can not be there I will videotape the presentation and post to the blog.

Last day of site...
PM Students are scheduled for a June 5th last day of site with June 9th being our last day together in class with the exception of Livermore High. LHS will continue with me through to June 17th

AM students are scheduled for June 12th as their last day of site with June 17th as our last day of class together.  Why the discrepancy in days you might ask? DHS, AVHS, & FHS all graduate a week earlier than GHS & LHS

Med Occ Banquet
Don't forget to plan for our Med Occ Banquet for Thursday, June 4th from 6-8 in the Student Union here at GHS! Please let me know if you will not be able to make it.  

Las Positas Articulation Credit
Sorry to put you on blast but I really need you to get your W number to me last week!
Here is a list of the students who still need to get their articulation forms into me...
Dennis Faux
Kaylee Fuller
Kayla Lindsay
Shay Simmons
Britt Turner
Mia Volpatti

If you need an extra Portfolio grading rubric it is linked above! Please be working 20 minutes each evening on your portfolio.  Remember you need to apply for at least one scholarship! Juniors - Get a list from your career counselors of potential scholarships for next fall. Obviously you also do not have college acceptance letters so you need to print out some potential colleges and programs you are interested in applying to next year.  

Change next week's quiz to 30 questions - multiple choice, and true/false.  No freaking out! 
Covers Urinary Tract System, Digestive, Respiratory System

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Down to the Wire...

Happy Tuesday Med Occ Students

I realize that you have been at all of this for quite some time now.  Whether it be your internship or prepping for AP exams you have all been working diligently.  DO NOT QUIT.  You are almost at the finish line.  FINISH STRONG and be proud of a job well done and well finished.  You all know my passion for running, it is never about how you start the race but all about how you finish.  None of the work you put in matters if you can't walk across that finish line saying you gave it all you had all the while keeping your integrity in tact.

Now on to the details...


  • Thank you to Simi Pajetta and Juliana Fontana for presenting to the ROP tec group last Thursday!
  • Thank you to Sabrina DiRegolo for helping me get through my mountains of paperwork!


  • All students AM and PM will have class from 9-11 next Wednesday to hear the presenter from the Certified Medical Assisting Board.  PM students make sure to pick up a field trip permission form from me.
For female GHS & LHS students
NO NEED TO BE IN AG!  Only requirements are that you attend LHS or GHS and are a female! What?! Go for it Ladies.


  • Urinary Packet
  • We will have a quiz on the urinary system.
  • Please bring in any certificates, awards, honors, letters of rec. that you might have at home.  We will be working on our portfolios tomorrow.
  • Timesheets - Please tally your hours so you know if you need to pick up an extra shift or not. Remember 180 is the MINIMUM requirement.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kidneys, Kidneys & More Kidneys

Happy Tuesday Med Occs!

We survived SBAC testing - Yeah!

Please be prepared to quiz tomorrow on the urinary system.
*do not be surprised if you see questions from last weeks quiz on this quiz*
Click HERE for the link to the power point.

Please make sure to have your packet and worksheets complete as they will be checked off tomorrow!

REMINDER - Sunday is Mother's Day! Make sure to do something extra special for that Extra special mom/grandma/auntie/friend on Sunday!

HOURS - Do you need extra hours?
Please check your hours and make sure you are on track. Remember you will need a minimum of 180 hours to be able to pass the class and take the CCBMA!

May 20th - We will have our guest speaker from the CCBMA board!

A huge thank you to ALL of my FABULOUS students that helped with the orientation that evening.  You brought a smile to my face and heart and I can't tell you how much I appreciated YOU anticipating my NEEDS! Great job!

  • Thank you to Deanne O'Callaghan for working last Thursday nights CTE Fair.
  • Thank you to Natalie Asemi for presenting to the LVJUSD school board tonight.
  • Thank you to Juliana Fontana for presenting to our Tech Committee on Thursday.
Wanted a t-shirt or sweatshirt but didn't get the opportunity to order? 
T-Shirts are - $18.00
Sweatshirts - $28.00

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Check this out... Super cool opportunity!

will take place at the Stanford University School of Medicine campus.

Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge
291 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA


Seating room at the talks is limited and pre-registration is strongly suggested. Online registration deadline: May 11, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. PDT. After this date, you can only register for the event on-site.
Health Talks – We encourage you to arrive early to check in at the pre-registration area. Your selection of a particular talk does not guarantee admittance. Talks are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Register here.
Health Pavilion – A collection of exhibits featuring interactive, hands-on attractions and activities for the whole family. Open 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. No registration necessary.
Med School Morning – Open to students in high school only. Pre-registration is required for Med School Morning. Space is limited and no onsite registration will be available. This event has reached capacity. Sign up for the waitlist here.

bring a healthy appetite!

Complimentary coffee, tea, and water will be provided throughout the day. Delicious lunches will be available for purchase from our Food Truck Roundup from 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Leave your Personal Stuff at the Door!

I have seen lots of nails in lots of fabulous bright colors.  Please tone down the color and check the length.  These protocols are in place for your safety and benefit. If I see it I will pull you from site and you will take a zero for the week.

Please have your in class assignment DONE when you come to class! We will correct as soon as you walk in!


Livermore Rotary Club Mini-Grant - Click HERE for the application
Rotary Club of Livermore Valley - Click HERE for the application

SBAC Testing

Each school seems to be doing something different for the State Standardized Testing and although most of you are Seniors and are not testing the school schedule still might be changed for you.  This equals MAYHEM for MedOccs.  I will post your school's schedule on the blog.  Please print it out and decide when you will be going to site for that two week period.  SBAC testing will be taking place the weeks of April 20th and April 27th.  Please let me know as well as your site supervisor know what your plan will be.  Thank you in advance for being FABULOUSLY FLEXIBLE! :)

*AM Class - In light of this crazy schedule I have decided to NOT have class on Wednesday but will have class On Tuesday during the Period 2 time (12:15-1:05) and then Thursday for Period 3.  If you are a non-GHS student that attends my AM class please look at your home schools schedule and see if you can make those times.  This will allow you to go to your site for a longer period of time Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I will be emailing the site supervisors to let them know it will be a little crazy!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Keep Your Nose to the Grindstone...

(don't forget to comment or email that you have read the blog)

(yes! they are different)
Livermore Rotary Club Mini-Grant - Click HERE for the application
Rotary Club of Livermore Valley - Click HERE for the application

*Do not forget to check out the two paid summer internship positions posted on the last blog!*

Stanford Minority Health Conference

Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 8:30-4:00 PM
It is only $10  and you can EARN hours for this and get a certificate for your portfolio!
Click HERE for the details and to register!

Here is the ROP April calendar for the Technology Learning Center.  Thanks!
Cat Elliot-AM
Marcus Casillas-PM
Emily Betando-AM
Zara Saiyed-PM
Omar DeLeon-AM
Sahithi Narla-PM
Sabrina DeRegalo-AM
Cinthia Arteaga-PM
Cat Elliot-AM
Marcus Casillas-PM
Emily Betando-AM
Zara Saiyed-PM
Omar DeLeon-AM
Sahithi Narla-PM
Sabrina DeRegalo-AM
Cinthia Arteaga-PM

Next Tuesday is a special assembly schedule that 3rd period classes are supposed to go to. I am still waiting to hear from GHS admin how they would like me to handle this.  As soon as I know I will let you know.

SBAC Testing
Each school seems to be doing something different for the State Standardized Testing and although most of you are Seniors and are not testing the school schedule still might be changed for you.  This equals MAYHEM for MedOccs.  I will post your school's schedule on the blog.  Please print it out and decide when you will be going to site for that two week period.  SBAC testing will be taking place the weeks of April 20th and April 27th.  Please let me know as well as your site supervisor know what your plan will be.  Thank you in advance for being FABULOUSLY FLEXIBLE! :)

*AM Class - In light of this crazy schedule I have decided to NOT have class on Wednesday but will have class On Tuesday during the Period 2 time (12:15-1:05) and then Thursday for Period 3.  If you are a non-GHS student that attends my AM class please look at your home schools schedule and see if you can make those times.  This will allow you to go to your site for a longer period of time Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I will be emailing the site supervisors to let them know it will be a little crazy!

AVHS - This is what I have received from your school...
The SBAC will be administered during English, Math, and US History classes starting May 18th.

The first week will the English exams done during English class (May 18-May 22)

T/W of week 2 will be Math (May 26-May 27)
        -  Tuesday will be the classroom activity completed during math class.
        -  Wednesday will be the Performance Task administered alphabetically throughout the day, which could impact a variety of subjects. (Student schedule will be sent out soon)

TH/F of week 2 will be the Math CAT administered by US History teachers (May 28-May 29)

We will be on block schedule May 19-May 22 and May 28 & May 29

I have NOT received anything from FHS or DHS. If you have your school's SBAC testing schedule please bring it in to trade me for some candy :) Thanks!

Las Positas Articulation
I hate to put you on blast but if you see your name here you MUST have your W number for the Las Po articulation credit by next Wednesday! if you are having a difficult time just call las Positas!
* If you are NOT planning on getting FREE credits from college that ARE transferable then you MUST sign the release waiver on my board! Juniors this is something that MUST be done this year, as I will not award credits next year for a class that ended this year.  Thanks - Ms. B

Natalie Asemi
Emily Betando
Victoria Betz
Marcus Casillas
Nikki Dantzig
Omar DeLeon
Dennis Faux
Kaylee Fuller
Amanda Gallott
Nicole Lanci
Breeyn Lasit
Kendal Newman
Kayla Lindsay
Quinn Maxwell
Natalie Palomo
Rhana Rahimzada
Kendra Salazar
Deidre Shuttpelz
Tanya Sharetskaya
Shay Simmons
Brittany Turner
Mia Volpatti

Please define the following terms on a piece of paper.  Do not cut and paste definitions into a doc. Actually take the time to write them on a piece of binder paper.  No typing will be accepted! Why, you might ask? Because it is another way to practice learning the words and these are the terms that you will be tested on this Wednesday! It will be multiple choice.

Amino acid
Renal calculus

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. Bill Bradley


There is a lot of information in this blog and in the following weeks. I am asking that you leave your name in the comment field (this is worth points, for your grade) so that I know you are reading the blog.  Thanks - Ms. Buck 

Here is the ROP April calendar for the Technology Learning Center.  Thanks!
Cat Elliot-AM
Marcus Casillas-PM
Emily Betando-AM
Zara Saiyed-PM
Omar DeLeon-AM
Sahithi Narla-PM
Sabrina DeRegalo-AM
Cinthia Arteaga-PM
Cat Elliot-AM
Marcus Casillas-PM
Emily Betando-AM
Zara Saiyed-PM
Omar DeLeon-AM
Sahithi Narla-PM
Sabrina DeRegalo-AM
Cinthia Arteaga-PM

Stanford Minority Health Conference
Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 8:30-4:00 PM
It is only $10  and you can EARN hours for this and get a certificate for your portfolio!
Click HERE for the details and to register!

2 Separate PAID Summer Internships

 Clinical Immersion and Mentoring Summer Internship
Description: This is a seven(7) week, full-time program where program participants will directly observe patient care while shadowing a health care provider in the hospital or clinic while being exposed to a variety of health careers including:

Medicine, Public Health, Health Educator, Physician Assistant,Paramedic/EMT/Fire, and Health Care Administration.
The internship will allow you to:
* Shadow mentors in patient care settings
* Gain clinical exposure
* Interact with health professionals
* Attend hands-on workshops
* Participate in weekly mentorship workshops
* Participate in community service opportunities and field trips 
* Become certified peer health educators/coaches on mental and sexual health


Mandatory Program Orientation: June 29th- July 2nd 9AM-12PM
Program Duration: July 6th, 2015- August 14th, 2015 (6 weeks)

Location: Alameda Health System-Highland Hospital and Samuel Merritt University,                   Oakland, CA                                      

Stipend: Participants will receive a stipend during the internship.
 Stipend amount will be $350 for high school students and $850 for college    students, graduates, and post-bac students.

Who is eligible to apply:
-Pre-health/pre-medical students
-High school students(must be 15 years of age)
-College students
-College graduates
-Post-baccalaureate students

Application Deadlines:

High School Student Application Due: 

April 24th, 2015 by 5pm online. 

The HEAL Program promotes healthy living by exposure to health care
industry careers.
The HEAL Program provides exposure to experiential health care workforce
development opportunities for more than 150 public school students/year
ranging from eighth grade through college and representing 15 East Bay
schools. HEAL has provided more than 1,200 paid internships and served
more than 6,000 youth since 1991.

The HEAL Program provides enrichment opportunities including:
• Linked Learning
• Hands-on Experiences in Clinical Settings
• Jobs Skills Training
• Academic Support
• Mentoring
• Life Coaching
• Financial Assistance/Paid Internships
Deadline is April 30 at 5pm, via personal delivery, email or “snail
Please note that items sent via “snail mail”, must also be in the HEAL
Program office by April 30th, no later than 5pm.

Please print out the attached document and complete. 
Currently, there is no electronic version of this document, nor a
version that can be edited and submitted.

Please feel free to gain further clarity if needed.
For more information, please contact: 

Andria Batise| Interim Program Manager/Youth Development Coordinator
Health Excellence & Academic Leadership (HEAL) Program

Alameda Health System
1411 East 31st Street | Oakland, CA 94602
510-535-7567 (O)
Click HERE for the application!

Each school seems to be doing something different for the State Standardized Testing and although most of you are Seniors and are not testing the school schedule still might be changed for you.  This equals MAYHEM for MedOccs.  I will post your school's schedule on the blog.  Please print it out and decide when you will be going to site for that two week period.  SBAC testing will be taking place the weeks of April 20th and April 27th.  Please let me know as well as your site supervisor know what your plan will be.  Thank you in advance for being FABULOUSLY FLEXIBLE! :)