Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Friday, April 17, 2015

Leave your Personal Stuff at the Door!

I have seen lots of nails in lots of fabulous bright colors.  Please tone down the color and check the length.  These protocols are in place for your safety and benefit. If I see it I will pull you from site and you will take a zero for the week.

Please have your in class assignment DONE when you come to class! We will correct as soon as you walk in!


Livermore Rotary Club Mini-Grant - Click HERE for the application
Rotary Club of Livermore Valley - Click HERE for the application

SBAC Testing

Each school seems to be doing something different for the State Standardized Testing and although most of you are Seniors and are not testing the school schedule still might be changed for you.  This equals MAYHEM for MedOccs.  I will post your school's schedule on the blog.  Please print it out and decide when you will be going to site for that two week period.  SBAC testing will be taking place the weeks of April 20th and April 27th.  Please let me know as well as your site supervisor know what your plan will be.  Thank you in advance for being FABULOUSLY FLEXIBLE! :)

*AM Class - In light of this crazy schedule I have decided to NOT have class on Wednesday but will have class On Tuesday during the Period 2 time (12:15-1:05) and then Thursday for Period 3.  If you are a non-GHS student that attends my AM class please look at your home schools schedule and see if you can make those times.  This will allow you to go to your site for a longer period of time Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I will be emailing the site supervisors to let them know it will be a little crazy!


  1. Alexandria Clifton

  2. Natalie Asemi and Kristin Warren

  3. Tanya Sharetskaya
