Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The last thing you want to do is finish playing or doing anything and wish you would have worked harder. Derek Jeter

I have been getting lots of emails and texts about the portfolio. That's not a bad thing.  Keep the questions coming but please do not freak out!
Here are some FAQ's

  • How many letters of rec do I need? - I would prefer you to have at least two. I am hoping one of these is from your supervisor but some of you might not have one from them yet so make sure to get one from someone else.
  • What is the community classroom essay? A one page essay detailing your experience about your internship. Specifically include what experiences you came away with and will take with you as you move forward.
  • W-4? Ack What is that?  - Please bring a blank one to class and I will help you fill out if you have not done one before.
  • What if  I do not have a research paper? Put in some sort of writing assignment or lab that you are proud of and that shows your work as a student.
  • Who do you address the thank you / cover letter to? It can be general.  You can write it to Dear Sir, or Madam however one of your goals in the portfolio is to actually find a job to apply to so you should address everything toward that position.
  • Any other questions? Text me up until 7 tonight! 
  • Portfolios are due tomorrow.  If you need extra time you may turn it in late but there will be a 20 point deduction for turning it in next Wednesday. 
  • If you have not already you will receive your CPR cards and immunizations back to put in your portfolio tomorrow.
You will get your study guide for the final tomorrow! We are almost there! WooHoo!

Please, please, please bring either your W number to class tomorrow or your social number so I can help you through the process of getting your W number.
People who STILL need to turn it in are...
Mia Volpatti
Dennis Faux
Kaylee Fuller
Kayla Lindsay
Brittney Turner 

Please do not forget to give a copy of your June calendar to your site! If you need to refer to dates please check the calendar on the blog.

Please RSVP so I know how many students will be coming - I have only heard from two of you so far.  Thanks - Ms. Buckley!