Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

EDUCATE to prevent the PROCRASTINATE so there will be no more PARKGATE


The title of this Blog was inspired by a security guard at one of our sites... it made me laugh... please follow it! I appreciate him being so flexible with us!

Please make sure to bring this parent letter tomorrow to class SIGNED by your parent!

Next Wednesday we will have a representative from the California Certified Medical Assisting Board come to speak to both of my class from 9-11 am at Granada.  This does not change any schedules for my AM students but it does require a permission slip form for my PM students.  My afternoon class will be held in the morning and they will NOT have class from 1-3 next Wednesday.  Students are encouraged to pick up extra hours at site that Wednesday afternoon as my PM students have a week less at site than my AM class.  For my students who can not be there I will videotape the presentation and post to the blog.

Last day of site...
PM Students are scheduled for a June 5th last day of site with June 9th being our last day together in class with the exception of Livermore High. LHS will continue with me through to June 17th

AM students are scheduled for June 12th as their last day of site with June 17th as our last day of class together.  Why the discrepancy in days you might ask? DHS, AVHS, & FHS all graduate a week earlier than GHS & LHS

Med Occ Banquet
Don't forget to plan for our Med Occ Banquet for Thursday, June 4th from 6-8 in the Student Union here at GHS! Please let me know if you will not be able to make it.  

Las Positas Articulation Credit
Sorry to put you on blast but I really need you to get your W number to me last week!
Here is a list of the students who still need to get their articulation forms into me...
Dennis Faux
Kaylee Fuller
Kayla Lindsay
Shay Simmons
Britt Turner
Mia Volpatti

PORTFOLIOS - click on the word portfolio to get a copy of the handout!
If you need an extra Portfolio grading rubric it is linked above! Please be working 20 minutes each evening on your portfolio.  Remember you need to apply for at least one scholarship! Juniors - Get a list from your career counselors of potential scholarships for next fall. Obviously you also do not have college acceptance letters so you need to print out some potential colleges and programs you are interested in applying to next year.  

STUDY GUIDE - Click on the words STUDY GUIDE to link you to the study guide!
Change next week's quiz to 30 questions - multiple choice, and true/false.  No freaking out! 
Covers Urinary Tract System, Digestive, Respiratory System

Just a friendly reminder to PLEASE park in the designated employee section of your medical/vet site.  I hate being pulled out of a scholarship luncheon to deal with parking issues.

On another note, please DO NOT EVER sign for your supervisor - even if they ask you to! I NEED their signatures.  Your time sheets are LEGAL documents and are filed with the State of California and the Certifying Medical Assisting Board.  This is considered forgery.  Thank you!