Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kidneys, Kidneys & More Kidneys

Happy Tuesday Med Occs!

We survived SBAC testing - Yeah!

Please be prepared to quiz tomorrow on the urinary system.
*do not be surprised if you see questions from last weeks quiz on this quiz*
Click HERE for the link to the power point.

Please make sure to have your packet and worksheets complete as they will be checked off tomorrow!

REMINDER - Sunday is Mother's Day! Make sure to do something extra special for that Extra special mom/grandma/auntie/friend on Sunday!

HOURS - Do you need extra hours?
Please check your hours and make sure you are on track. Remember you will need a minimum of 180 hours to be able to pass the class and take the CCBMA!

May 20th - We will have our guest speaker from the CCBMA board!

A huge thank you to ALL of my FABULOUS students that helped with the orientation that evening.  You brought a smile to my face and heart and I can't tell you how much I appreciated YOU anticipating my NEEDS! Great job!

  • Thank you to Deanne O'Callaghan for working last Thursday nights CTE Fair.
  • Thank you to Natalie Asemi for presenting to the LVJUSD school board tonight.
  • Thank you to Juliana Fontana for presenting to our Tech Committee on Thursday.
Wanted a t-shirt or sweatshirt but didn't get the opportunity to order? 
T-Shirts are - $18.00
Sweatshirts - $28.00


  1. Alexandria Clifton
