Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Time Management...How are you doing with yours?

Click HERE for those AWESOME Calendars that I passed out in class!

Click HERE to check out the TIME MANAGEMENT TOOL KIT - Super Awesome!

GHS - Parent Night - Tonight 6-7:30!
GETSET - Ladies - Are you really interested in Medical Occupations? If yes, join GETSET it will definitely be worth your time! See me if you have any questions.  You can earn hours and a certificate!

Click HERE to see a list of participating schools and programs! Remember, this is a MANDATORY assignment! ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS and make sure to get off work and get a ride there - This IS your future we are talking about here, people!

Here is a LINK to my lecture slides - Hope this helps with your studying!

Skeletal Quiz/Test/Exam :) will be Wednesday!
Binder Check Wednesday
Plastic Sheet Covers in class Wednesday!
Please watch THIS video on how to take resting heart rate.  Practice on any willing participant! Write down any questions you may have - Which method do you prefer?

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