Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thinking about Your Personal Procrastination and Making a Plan to Prevent it!

Daily Blog Thought 

PROCRASTINATION…….How do you break the pattern?
1.       Prioritize tasks.  Create a “to do” list.  Categorize these tasks.  Create lists that save you time, like setting up your errands by time and geographic location.  Plan some play time.

2.       Question your beliefs.  Do you tell yourself that you work better under pressure? Prove it. Do one task at the last minute and one ahead of time.  Test other myths, such as “I don’t have the ability” and “it has to be done perfectly”

3.       Control impulsiveness. Most procrastinators jump from one task to another and rarely finish anything. Make yourself complete one task before starting another.

4.       Old habits die hard. Don’t expect to change overnight.  If you change one thing a week, you are making progress!  Acknowledge that and be proud of yourself.  This helps you realize that more change is possible!

Click on the picture to enlarge it and read what the excerpt says.  What attitudes, beliefs, or ideas might have shaped your work habits?  

Click HERE for tonight's Homework
Skeleton Study Guide will be stamped tomorrow as well.  AM class - We will be stamping the Medical Technician Assignment from last week so have everything ready to go!
Skeletal Quiz/Test/Exam :) will be Wednesday!
Binder Check Wednesday
Plastic Sheet Covers in class Wednesday!

GHS - Parent Night - Tomorrow Night 6-7:30!
GETSET - Ladies - Are you really interested in Medical Occupations? If yes, join GETSET it will definitely be worth your time! See me if you have any questions.  You can earn hours and a certificate!

Here is a LINK to my lecture slides - Hope this helps with your studying!

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