Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Thursday, October 30, 2014

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell

As we prepare to go out into the business "real" world, remember that it is important to monitor and filter your postings on social media!  Clean up those facebook accounts and those tweets.  Make sure you have a professional email account name to email from, etc... We will keep working on this in class.

Take 15-120 minutes and research your site.  Write up five things that you think you will be doing there.  Students who do not have a site, do NOT stress! I promise I am working diligently to place you.  No need to do the assignment, you will make it up once your site is nailed down!

Tomorrow is Halloween! Yeah! Don't be surprised if there is a notebook check in your future. BooHaha!  Also if you would like to bring a treat to share with the class you may, but we will still need to get our work done! If you are planning on bringing something please leave a comment at the bottom of the page and let us know if it is for the am or pm class! 

Check out the new gadgets that have been added to our blog! You can now enter your email in and receive email alerts when I post! Yeah! You will never miss a Med Occ post again!

Don't have your FLU SHOT yet! What?! Yes, I have a list on my desk, but do not want to "put you on blast"! Make sure it is to me by tomorrow, if not we need to talk!

Amy from my AM Class - I was able to move your schedule back to morning! Yeah! Please try to get to class early to discuss with me! Thank you.

Go to RESUME WRITING WIZARD! It allows you to create a quick resume and print it out.  It gives us something to start from.  Also please bring a list of accolades, extra curriculars, and any awards you have received in the past two years.  We want to start building up that job portfolio!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author Unknown

As you get your site assignments I am hoping that you are taking a step back and saying, "WOW, I can't believe I am so lucky to have this opportunity!".  We have talked a lot about paths in our class.  Think of this as an adventure - an adventure into unknown, into exploring careers and yourselves! Every single one of you will be handed an extraordinary opportunity.
Now what you do with your opportunity is all up to you!
Congratulations Med Occs 14-15 - Make yourself proud!

Britt in my PM class who helped out another student - You Rock!
Ms. Mintz for organizing GETSET
Grecia in my AM class who is willing to trust my instincts! You ROCK!

 Keenan is due TOMORROW!
Dress for Success - Tuesday, November 4th
Guest Speakers the 5th and the 7th!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

You can make your experience whatever you want it to be...

  • Follow the Career and Counseling Center at:  @GHS_CCC (it is worth ten points)
  • Begin working on a resume and cover letter.
  • Keenan is due Thursday

Monday, October 27, 2014

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

I realize we are starting to ramp up our efforts in class.  In these busy times, do not forget to BREATHE and be GRATEFUL! You can find a SPARK of inspiration and motivation everywhere!
Watch this, be inspired, and pass it on...


Today starts the Coin Wars fundraiser.

The Interact Club is sponsoring this event.  It runs for the next three week ending on Friday November 14th. All money raised goes to the “Free the Children” charity, which is helping people in Africa. Granada Interact is working with all other East/South Bay Interact Clubs to support this charity.

About the fundraiser:
·      This will run in your 3rd period class (we are not doing PE, sorry!)
·      All coins are positive points so put those in your 3rd period
·      All bills are negative points so place those in other classes
·      Do not disrupt class time so please allow students to access your class during passing periods or what works best for you
·      Interact club will collect, count, and announce scores of top classes each week
       ·      The class with the greatest net points wins a pizza party
·      No “hoarding” of coins until the last day
·      Event ends at 3:05 on Friday November 14th

There is so much great information - I just had to SHARE!

ValleyCare's Medical Explorers Meeting / RN Surgery - Tuesday, October 28th

You can earn a certificate, plus Valleycare offers a great scholarship and it is a fabulous thing to put on a resume.  Think about it! Awesome opportunity!
Remember those DOTS - we never know when they will all connect.

Have you heard about the Perry Initiative? ClickHERE to learn more about it!

No matter your gender you can attend the Saturday, November 4th                     day at AT&T Park

Special Event – Bay Area Science Festival Discovery Days at AT&T Park

November 1, 2014 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
AT&T Park 
24 Willie Mays Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94107
We are very excited to participate in the Bay Area Science Festival Discovery Days at AT&T Park in San Francisco on 11/1/14. Discovery Days is free to the public, runs from 11:00am-4:00pm, and is part of a larger celebration of science known as the Bay Area Science Festival. Events will be held all over the Bay Area – more information can be found at BASF’s webpagefacebook page, or on twitter.

And if you sign up for the November day or the January Outreach Program you will earn a class certificate! 
We’re very excited to announce an upcoming Perry Outreach Program on Saturday, January 24 at UCSF in San Francisco, CA. The Perry Outreach Program is a free, one-day, hands-on experience for high school and college-aged women who are interested in pursuing careers in medicine and engineering. Students will hear from women leaders in these fields and try it for themselves by performing mock orthopedic surgeries and biomechanics experiments.
We are now seeking applicants for our San Francisco program. Participants should be women in grades 10 and up with an expressed interest in science, medicine and/or engineering.  We would very much appreciate if you could pass this information along to any high school principals, high school science teachers or high school students you may know.  Applicants should be directed to fill out our online application in advance of the December 17, 2014 application deadline.
Additional information can be found on our website:
The application may be accessed directly using the following link:
To All my students who come in and greet me with a smile every day! A HUGE thank you! It not only shows kindness and consideration, but you are practicing great people skills!


  • Finish your Keenan! It is due Thursday!
  • Make sure to have your topic and partner to me by Wednesday!
  • Knowing Yourself - Job Success Packet due TOMORROW!

Friday, October 24, 2014

What?! A Friday Post?! Too much great info not to share!

There is so much great information - I just had to SHARE!

ValleyCare's Medical Explorers Meeting / RN Surgery - Tuesday, October 28th

You can earn a certificate, plus Valleycare offers a great scholarship and it is a fabulous thing to put on a resume.  Think about it! Awesome opportunity!
Remember those DOTS - we never know when they will all connect.

Have you heard about the Perry Initiative? Click HERE to learn more about it!

No matter your gender you can attend the Saturday, November 4th day at AT&T Park

Special Event – Bay Area Science Festival Discovery Days at AT&T Park

November 1, 2014 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
AT&T Park 
24 Willie Mays Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94107
We are very excited to participate in the Bay Area Science Festival Discovery Days at AT&T Park in San Francisco on 11/1/14. Discovery Days is free to the public, runs from 11:00am-4:00pm, and is part of a larger celebration of science known as the Bay Area Science Festival. Events will be held all over the Bay Area – more information can be found at BASF’s webpagefacebook page, or on twitter.

And if you sign up for the November day or the January Outreach Program you will earn a class certificate! 
We’re very excited to announce an upcoming Perry Outreach Program on Saturday, January 24 at UCSF in San Francisco, CA. The Perry Outreach Program is a free, one-day, hands-on experience for high school and college-aged women who are interested in pursuing careers in medicine and engineering. Students will hear from women leaders in these fields and try it for themselves by performing mock orthopedic surgeries and biomechanics experiments.
We are now seeking applicants for our San Francisco program. Participants should be women in grades 10 and up with an expressed interest in science, medicine and/or engineering.  We would very much appreciate if you could pass this information along to any high school principals, high school science teachers or high school students you may know.  Applicants should be directed to fill out our online application in advance of the December 17, 2014 application deadline.
Additional information can be found on our website:
The application may be accessed directly using the following link:
Have a Fabulous Weekend and Be Safe!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Thank you for tolerating my SQUIRREL moments! 
I do think there is value in the authentic teaching that occurs in those times.

Med Occs Students loves Squirrels! 

There are these college called WUE and if you meet the requirements for grades and/or SAT/ACT scores you can receive a discounted rate in tuition! WHAT?! Super cool.  Click HERE to check out which school participate and what their qualifications are.  BTW - UNR has a fabulous nursing program and still accepts WUE because it is not impacted.  Be careful some of the school will not accept Vet or Nursing because it is impacted!


Read HERE link and answer THESE questions! Enjoy :)

Vitals and Circulatory Test - Friday, October 24th

Medical Explorers Meeting / RN Surgery - Monday, October 28th

Do you have a site YOU want to be at? Get me that info ASAP - before the end of this week!

Finish the cardiovascular packet we started in class.  Study :) 
Keenan - Due October 30th
Don't forget your site specific assignments - They are due November 12th!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



Read THIS link and answer THESE questions! Enjoy :)

Vitals and Circulatory Test - Friday, October 24th

Medical Explorers Meeting / RN Surgery - Monday, October 28th

Do you have a site YOU want to be at? Get me that info ASAP - before the end of this week!

Go to this LINK to review the heart - Super basic but super easy to understand if you are still struggling.
Spend 20 minutes using your heart in a heart healthy exercise! Have your parent sign off on the fact you increased your heart rate.! Enjoy :)
Keenan - Due October 30th
Don't forget your site specific assignments - They are due November 12th!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. - Mother Teresa


Name and detail five diseases or illnesses of the circulatory system and their causes.

Vitals and Circulatory Test - Friday, October 24th
AM CLASS - I will have a helper come in tomorrow and assess you!

Medical Explorers Meeting / RN Surgery - Monday, October 28th

Do you have a site YOU want to be at? Get me that info ASAP - before the end of this week!

Let's THANK Amanda from AM and Kristen and Nat from PM for bringing in cards for Sara and Alex! You guys ROCK and always go the extra mile! 

Heart Worksheets - Due Tomorrow - ABSENT? Click HERE and HERE
Keenan - Due October 30th
Don't forget your site specific assignments - They are due November 12th!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Patient Assessments, Vitals, Circulatory System... Oh My!

Good Evening Fabulous Med Occs Students!

I am so excited for you! Super Excited!  I have been working very hard to get your sites lined up and to make sure there is one specific for each of you.  Please know that I am doing everything in my power to make this an awesome educational experience for you!


We learned lots of different acronyms today for patient assessments! Can you remember them all? Luckily, you don't have to! At least not for now! Write down five things that you learned today in class that you did not know.  It could be anything!

Vitals and Circulatory Test - Friday, October 24th
Medical Explorers Meeting / RN Surgery - Monday, October 28th
Do you have a site YOU want to be at? Get me that info ASAP before the end of this week!

Let's THANK Sara and Alex by putting together a thank you card for both of them tomorrow! Anyone willing to make or bring in a thank you card tomorrow and OWN this project? Let me know. Thank YOU! 

Congrats to Anna in my PM class for deciding on Cal Poly.  Let me know if you already know where you are headed in the Fall!
Also, HUGE props to my students who stayed in during lunch to practice vitals - nice impression!

Vitals Assignment/Project - Due Tomorrow
Keenan - Due October 30th

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. Steve JobS





(remember you get points for this!)


We need to have a conversation about how you act in class. I need to start seeing MORE ENERGETIC, POSITIVE, INITIATIVE TAKING STUDENTS! Remember - I will be placing you and if you want your top spot you need to be bringing your "A" game EVERY DAY!

I am looking for...
  • Independent Thinkers
  • Initiative Takers
  • Go Getters
  • Self Starters
  • People who manage their class time well and make the most of it (Hint: this does not look like being given time to practice and then sitting around and having a social conversation)
  • People who communicate ahead of time and clearly.
  • People who smile and are kind to others.
  • People who help others.
  • I realize not all adults in your world expect you to be independent thoughtful adults but I DO! Note the irony in the cartoon below!


A Problem A Day. At the beginning of each day (perhaps driving to work or going to school) choose a problem to work on when you have free moments. Figure out the logic of the problem by identifying its elements. In other words, systematically think through the questions: What exactly is the problem? How can I put it into the form of a question. How does it relate to my goals, purposes, and needs?
  1) Wherever possible take problems one by one. State the problem as clearly and precisely as you can.

2) Study the problem to make clear the “kind” of problem you are dealing with. Figure out, for example, what sorts of things you are going to have to do to solve it. Distinguish Problems over which you have some control from problems over which you have no control. Set aside the problems over which you have no control, concentrating your efforts on those problems you can potentially solve.

3) Figure out the information you need and actively seek that information.

4) Carefully analyze and interpret the information you collect, drawing what reasonable inferences you can.

5) Figure out your options for action. What can you do in the short term? In the long term? Distinguish problems under your control from problems beyond your control. Recognize explicitly your limitations as far as money, time, and power.

6) Evaluate your options, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages in the situation you are in.

7) Adopt a strategic approach to the problem and follow through on that strategy. This may involve direct action or a carefully thought-through wait-and-see strategy.

8) When you act, monitor the implications of your action as they begin to emerge. Be ready at a moment’s notice to revise your strategy if the situation requires it. Be prepared to shift your strategy or your analysis or statement of the problem, or all three, as more information about the problem becomes available to you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don't Wish For It, Work For It!

Good Afternoon Med Occs!
You have a very important assignment today!
Improving Your Mood!
You MUST go out and use your body, get the heart pumping and sweat a little - minimum 30 minutes!
Ideas - Running (LOL - of course!), shoot hoops, swim, jump on a trampoline, dance, jump rope, go hiking...

Tomorrow Night - Tri-Valley College and Career Fair @ LHS 6:30-8:30 Be there and take a selfie!
Monday, Oct. 20th - Second day with Sara and Alex! Be prepared to have your vitals tested!
Monday, October 20th - Flu shot documentation DUE!
Tuesday, October 28th - Medical Explorers Meeting - RN Surgery

You will be practicing taking your resting heart rate and your active heart!

Click HERE for the VITALS assignment - It is due next week!

Click HERE for a link to my lecture notes! Hope it helps!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Lub A Dub Dub...

THANK YOU to Sara and Alex for coming in today! Remind me that we need to make thank you cards for them!

Systolic, Diastolic, Palpated, Diaphoretic, CAP - Make sure you know the definitions by tomorrow!

Hi y'All - Some of you do NOT have grades for a binder check.  Please check in with me tomorrow so we can get that assessed! Thanks - Ms. B

Click HERE to study the pathway of blood through the heart - Take notes!
Click HERE to do a virtual blood pressure cuff lab.

WEDNESDAY - Tri- Valley College & Career Fair 6:30-8:30 Be there! It is an assignment!
Wednesday is also SUPER WACKY - Make sure you know where you are going and when!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

“Never worry about the numbers. Help one person at a time and start with the person nearest you.” Mother Teresa

Med Occs - Are YOU ready?!...

We start Vital Signs on Monday - BE THERE!

That way you can stay and hang and practice!

Please click HERE to review the Medical Assistants Requirements for Vital Signs.
Know them by Monday!

Didn't have time to do this?  DO IT NOW!
Please watch THIS video on how to take resting heart rate.  Practice on any willing participant! Write down any questions you may have - Which method do you prefer?

LHS and FHS have a FABULOUS Homecoming! Be Safe and Responsible.  Remember you not only represent yourselves, but our class and our program! Carry yourself with Pride and integrity!

Click HERE to see a list of participating schools and programs! Remember, this is a MANDATORY assignment!ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS and make sure to get off work and get a ride there - This IS your future we are talking about here, people!

We have a CRAZY PSAT schedule on Wednesday, October 15th.
Look on the board for class times!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Time Management...How are you doing with yours?

Click HERE for those AWESOME Calendars that I passed out in class!

Click HERE to check out the TIME MANAGEMENT TOOL KIT - Super Awesome!

GHS - Parent Night - Tonight 6-7:30!
GETSET - Ladies - Are you really interested in Medical Occupations? If yes, join GETSET it will definitely be worth your time! See me if you have any questions.  You can earn hours and a certificate!

Click HERE to see a list of participating schools and programs! Remember, this is a MANDATORY assignment! ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS and make sure to get off work and get a ride there - This IS your future we are talking about here, people!

Here is a LINK to my lecture slides - Hope this helps with your studying!

Skeletal Quiz/Test/Exam :) will be Wednesday!
Binder Check Wednesday
Plastic Sheet Covers in class Wednesday!
Please watch THIS video on how to take resting heart rate.  Practice on any willing participant! Write down any questions you may have - Which method do you prefer?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thinking about Your Personal Procrastination and Making a Plan to Prevent it!

Daily Blog Thought 

PROCRASTINATION…….How do you break the pattern?
1.       Prioritize tasks.  Create a “to do” list.  Categorize these tasks.  Create lists that save you time, like setting up your errands by time and geographic location.  Plan some play time.

2.       Question your beliefs.  Do you tell yourself that you work better under pressure? Prove it. Do one task at the last minute and one ahead of time.  Test other myths, such as “I don’t have the ability” and “it has to be done perfectly”

3.       Control impulsiveness. Most procrastinators jump from one task to another and rarely finish anything. Make yourself complete one task before starting another.

4.       Old habits die hard. Don’t expect to change overnight.  If you change one thing a week, you are making progress!  Acknowledge that and be proud of yourself.  This helps you realize that more change is possible!

Click on the picture to enlarge it and read what the excerpt says.  What attitudes, beliefs, or ideas might have shaped your work habits?  

Click HERE for tonight's Homework
Skeleton Study Guide will be stamped tomorrow as well.  AM class - We will be stamping the Medical Technician Assignment from last week so have everything ready to go!
Skeletal Quiz/Test/Exam :) will be Wednesday!
Binder Check Wednesday
Plastic Sheet Covers in class Wednesday!

GHS - Parent Night - Tomorrow Night 6-7:30!
GETSET - Ladies - Are you really interested in Medical Occupations? If yes, join GETSET it will definitely be worth your time! See me if you have any questions.  You can earn hours and a certificate!

Here is a LINK to my lecture slides - Hope this helps with your studying!