Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Thank you so much to all of my very kind students who brought me holiday goodies
You are SO kind!


  • DRESS IN UNIFORM! - That means not only wear your scrubs, but ladies your hair should be up and piercings should be out.  There are no exceptions and pints will be deducted from you site grade for any uniform violation.  
  • If you are going to be at site over break please email your schedule! 

Hope to see you at site over break and if not I will see after the New Year!

Happy Holidays! - Ms. Buckley

Monday, December 15, 2014

Cats and Dogs...

It sure is RAINING, please DRIVE SAFE!


  • Be ready to present your patient ed project if you have not already gone.  Sam & Cinthia - can we do this during ASE on Wednesday? I think so! Please let me know
  • QUIZ - I have just finished grading the quizzes :( - Ouch! Some are not so good.  You will have an opportunity for test corrections, but it is looking as though some of you are not checking the blog. You MUST be checking it! (But I guess if you are reading this, you already are! LOL! So please pass the word to your classmates to pick up the MT vocab!
  • Timesheets are once again due! Make sure to completely fill out.  If you forget to total or tally the daily hours column in the correct place I will take 5 points off! 
  • I will be collecting/checking off AM goals and returning PM goals.  Did you not have yours last week? If so they MUST be turned in Wednesday - no exceptions!

Just wanted to remind you all that I am merely encouraging you to bake some goodies for your site, to bring with our Med Occ Holiday card.  This is not a requirement but a nice gesture.  I realize that money is very tight in many households so please do not feel pressured.  A card from our Med Occs class will certainly suffice, but if you want to go above and beyond then I would definitely encourage it as it will not hurt!

We just received $2750 for our donors choose project! WooHoo! If your parent or someone you know works for a corporation that matches fund please pass our donors choose info on to them so we can get some much needed and great technology for our classroom!  DonorsChoose info is a link on the right hand side of our blog!

*Have you been accepted and have decided on your college of choice? If so let me know so I can congratulate you and we can post in our classroom!

Please know the following terms for next week.  Your quizzes for MT will be CUMULATIVE (which means I will incorporate what I tested on this week as well).  Please study.
Roots -
onc/o     opthalm/o   ophthalm/o*  oste/o     path/o     psych/o     radi/o     ren/o     rhin/o     sarc/o     sect/o     thromb/o     ur/o   
Suffixes -
-algia     -ion     -emia     -gram     -scope     -osis     -ectomy     -genic     -pathy     -tomy     -itis            -cyte
*added one

Are you going to site over Winter Break? If so, I need your schedule! Thank you! Ms. B

The two packets from class are due Wednesday!
  • Time Management
  • Medical Terminology  (this will help you SO much for your quizzes!)
  • Timesheet

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” ― Plato

It was wonderful seeing everyone's smiling faces today in class! 
Thank you for bringing such positive energy!

Just wanted to remind you all that I am merely encouraging you to bake some goodies for your site, to bring with our Med Occ Holiday card.  This is not a requirement but a nice gesture.  I realize that money is very tight in many households so please do not feel pressured.  A card from our Med Occs class will certainly suffice, but if you want to go above and beyond then I would definitely encourage it as it will not hurt!

We just received $2750 for our donors choose project! WooHoo! If your parent or someone you know works for a corporation that matches fund please pass our donors choose info on to them so we can get some much needed and great technology for our classroom!  DonorsChoose info is a link on the right hand side of our blog!

As we share information about our sites I am continually amazed how many ROP students are hired after their internship! Congrats to Ogai in my AM class who was offered a job after her internship hours are completed! Yeah!!!
*Have you been accepted and have decided on your college of choice? If so let me know so I can congratulate you and we can post in our classroom!

Please know the following terms for next week.  Your quizzes for MT will be CUMULATIVE (which means I will incorporate what I tested on this week as well).  Please study.
Roots -
onc/o     opthalm/o     oste/o     path/o     psych/o     radi/o     ren/o     rhin/o     sarc/o     sect/o     thromb/o     ur/o  
Suffixes -
-algia     -ion     -emia     -gram     -scope     -osis     -ectomy     -genic     -pathy     -tomy     -itis            -cyte

Thank you to all of my students who helped out today, specifically - Sabrina, Jamie, Sam, Deidre, Perla, and Marcus!

Please finish the two packets in class -

  • Time Management
  • Medical Terminology  (this will help you SO much for your quizzes!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stay dry and drive safe!

Tomorrow is CLASS and I am looking forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces!
If you are one of the class managers tomorrow be prepared to alphabetize time cards and enter them.  Classroom manager takes on a whole new role now!

How do you continue to make a good impression at your site? How do your behaviors affect other people's perception of you?

PM Class - We will be having a special visitor from the Dublin Unified School District tomorrow.  Please make sure to welcome them and  introduce yourselves with a firm handshake, direct eye contact and a bright smile!
LHS Students - You have a rally schedule on the 18th - please let your site know if you are going to be late.
Copy of your goal sheet
Time Sheet


We will have time to review these terms in class prior to your quiz, but for your preparation... :)

cardio     aden/o     bi/o     cerebr/o     cephal/o     arthr/o     carcin/o     cyst/o     cyt/o    
derm/o     encephal/o     electr/o     erythr/o     enter/o     gastr/o     gnos/o     hemat/o
cis/o     nephr/o     luek/o     iatr/o     hepat/o     ner/o     gynec/o    

-oma     -al     -itis     -logy     -scopy     -ic     -gram     -opsy

Monday, December 8, 2014

A smile is contagious; be a carrier!

Happy Monday!
It was so GREAT to see my students today! You all looked so professional; I was quite impressed!
Keep up the great work and stay strong! Your supervisors have great things to say about all of you!


  • Your GOALS are due WEDNESDAY! Please do not wait until tomorrow to do this.  Your supervisor may be absent tomorrow and then what will you do?! 
  • TIME SHEETS are due WEDNESDAY! Please make sure you have them signed.  Remember that is how you are earning the majority of your points!

We will have time to review these terms in class prior to your quiz, but for your preparation... :)

cardio     aden/o     bi/o     cerebr/o     cephal/o     arthr/o     carcin/o     cyst/o     cyt/o    
derm/o     encephal/o     electr/o     erythr/o     enter/o     gastr/o     gnos/o     hemat/o
cis/o     nephr/o     luek/o     iatr/o     hepat/o     ner/o     gynec/o    

-oma     -al     -itis     -logy     -scopy     -ic     -gram     -opsy

Quick Reminders

Happy Monday Morning

I will still post this afternoon but I wanted to remind ALL Kaiser Interns that they will be in LIVERMORE today for IT Training!  Here is the schedule.  Please text with any questions - Ms. B

Monday, Dec 8                IT/KPHC Training - Romilia Dator, IT Trainer 
                        Livermore IT Training Room 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 

ALL INTERNS - Do NOT forget to have the supervisor sign your time sheet if they did not do it on Friday!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Happy Friday Everyone


  • Please do not forget to get your supervisor to sign your timesheet today!
  • Please do not drive other students in your car.
  • Happy Birthday to Alyssa in AM - We will have your card for you on Wednesday!

Please see the three attached documents.  They will show you how to log in, log out and what you login number is.  You must do this for every shift you work.  I may even print out the instructions if I were you to keep in my community classroom binder.
LOGIN How To's
LOG OUT How To's


Have you ever had to work with someone (either partnered in the classroom) or at a job site that just was difficult to work with?

How did you handle it?  What tools did you use to cope with a difficult co-worker or partner?
We will discuss this further on Wednesday.

Please make sure you have made an appointment with your supervisor to set up a time to go over your goals for the month of December. Remember this is something both you and your supervisor should discuss and agree on.  It is IMPORTANT to communicate what you want to learn to your immediate supervisor.  For example, say I really want to learn how to properly chart or sterilize equipment, let your supervisor know.  It may not happen this month but hopefully you can work up to it.  The month of December is all about your site supervisor learning to trust you and feel comfortable with you!
Please refer to Wednesdays blog for specifics and links

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Happy Thursday

Hope you are all having a great day.  Just one quick announcement -
Please do NOT drive other students in your vehicle.  It goes against district policy.
Thank you - Ms. Buckley

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


It was fabulous to see you all today in class.  


  1. Please click HERE to find the list of duties expected to be performed by a MA.
  2. After printing this off and reviewing it I would like YOU to type up your own goal sheet that you and your supervisor agree on.  If I were you I would take the expected duties list in with me when I go to meet with my supervisor to talk about my goals.  Circle the ones you think are pertinent to this first month and then type up your goal sheet.
  3. Here is an EXAMPLE that you can edit.  PLEASE copy it and paste into word or your own google docs so you are not editing my copy.  Thanks.
  4. Please set a specific goal, write it down, and write down how you will feel when you accomplish it.
  5. Please complete the survey if you have not already done so! - Refer to the blog page from Monday.
  6. Do not forget to record your weekly times on your time card! The first time card for the majority of you is due next Wednesday!
  7. Drive safely in this rain :) 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. Dolly Parton


It was fabulous to see some of you in action today! Don't worry - if I have not made it to your site yet, I will!

AM CLASS - No ASE tomorrow - Class is from 9:05-11:10 - Be here!

No additional homework - please refer to yesterday's blog.
Please make sure to have the following in class tomorrow...

  • Daily Blog Thought
  • Notes from Muscle System
  • Complete the survey - I only have about half responses!
  • Community Classroom Binder
  • Classroom Binder

I only ask that you all think about an intention for this next trimester.  We will be reassessing ours tomorrow!

Monday, December 1, 2014

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Happy 1st Day of Internship!

I am SO VERY EXCITED for all of you! It was great to see most of you in action today! If I did not get to see you today I will try and get there before the end of the week.  Make sure you are taking the down time to journal and please also take the time to THANK those that are training you!

Don't forget you need to be the light in someone's day.  Leave your worries at the door and offer fabulous customer service and always have a kind sincere smile!

Please make sure to check in with me either via text or email so I know how your first day went! I realize a hand full of you did not start today - that is ok.  Just text after you do!

Our Kaiser interns saw this video today and it really spoke to me.  Please watch it (for some of you - again) and write down five thoughts about it!
Click HERE and please have someone watch it with you!


  • Absolutely NO cell phones
  • Make sure you a re writing down your times on your time card.  That is how you earn points!
  • Make sure you are journaling.  I will begin asking to see your journals next week when I come to observe.
  • Make sure you have your little MEAD notebook!

If you did not turn one in to me before you left I MUST have it on Wednesday - No excuses!
Also, your parent and site supervisor should both have theirs already!


  • Please take this SURVEY for me to get some feedback - Thanks
  • Please go over the muscle System Notes and take your own notes
  • Remember you are NOT copying everything, you must discern from the most important information!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein

I am SO VERY EXCITED for all of you as you embark on your new internship!
Go learn, experience and do GREAT!

A couple of items...


  • All interns should be to site 15 minutes before their shift begins!
  • SMILE!
  • All interns must wear their scrubs!
  • All interns are expected to follow the dress code guidelines in their CCB (Community Classroom Binder)
  • All interns MUST wear their ROP badge at all times! Make sure to clip it where people can see it!
  • All interns MUST communicate with their parent, their site supervisor, and with me regarding absences, tardies and any change in schedule via e-mail.


  • Do NOT forget to ANTICIPATE YOUE NEEDS - fuel in your tank, a lunch packed, map of directions, etc...
  • DO give your parents their pink emergency paper.
  • DO give your site supervisor their pink emergency paper as well as a copy of your December calendar! (I will be emailing all sites to confirm that you did this.  You will lose points if it is not done on your first day of site!)


  • Make sure you picked up your sticker from Ms. Lounsbury - you will need that to begin working!

  •  Monday December 8th everyone will be in Livermore for IT training regardless of which site you are assigned to! Same time just for some it may be a different location.

Monday, Dec 1                KP Orientation - Ariel Chan, Director of Student Volunteers 
                        This fulfills the required NEO orientation for the students 
                        10:00 - 12:00 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1, 2, 3 

Tuesday, Dec 2                Livermore/Pleasanton Facility Orientation (to include the San Ramon students) - Kareen Knowles 
                        I will provide an overview of our facilities, expectations and service. 
                        9:45 - 11:45 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1,2,3 for Livermore MOB students 
                        1:30 - 3:30 - Pleasanton Conference Room C for Pleasanton and San Ramon students 
Wednesday, Dec  3        All students are in class 

Thursday, Dec 4        First day for students in the departments! 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 
                        For San Ramon - let's talk about a plan to orient the students to your facility 

Friday, Dec 5                Students in your departments 

Monday, Dec 8                IT/KPHC Training - Romilia Dator, IT Trainer 
                        Livermore IT Training Room 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Break

Good Tuesday to everyone.
Just a couple of quick items...

If you are interning this week please just shoot me a text if you have not already done so.  So far I have heard from Kendal and Nat Asemi :)

If you are a ValleyCare intern. Please pick up your ORANGE stickers from Ms. Lounsbury anytime after 11 today or anytime tomorrow.  Her office is located 1015 Stanley Blvd. Suite B in Livermore.  From Stanley I would turn on to Fenton.  the parking lot is off Fenton.  Look for the Blue awning that says Chabot Nursing.  Please let me know if you can NOT pick it up.  If you go to site without this sticker you will need to wear a mask until you get one! Remember - do not place it over your face! Put it on the side of your ROP badge.  Thank You!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

“Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.” ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

It was a pleasure to shake each on of your hands yesterday and today as you leave my daily classroom and enter the world of our community classroom.  I am SO very excited for you and SO proud! I can't wait to see you all in action in December.


  • YOU MUST CHECK THE BLOG DAILY! I may not post over break but I would hate for you to miss something important.  Just bookmark it and check it every evening by six pm.
  • Kaiser Students - You are on a crazy schedule the first week.  text if you have any questions about where you should be!
  • ValleyCare students - Make sure you check your email and blog so you know when to pick up your flu sticker from Ms. Lounsbury before site.
  • PLEASE - email me (along with your parent and site supervisor) any changes that have been made to your schedule.  That way I know all of the important people have been kept in the loop.


  • Thank you to my vet students who were so fabulously flexible when our vet tech canceled today!
  • Also thank you to all the students that text or communicated with each other so that they may be able to save someone a trip!
  • Thank you to Sabrina and Dennis for helping during 4th period.
  • Thank you to all of my lovely students who wrote me a thank you card.
  • Hannah says thanks for the birthday card AM class!
  • Thank you to Rhana and Kaylee - who are going out of their way to deliver paperwork for me!
  • Do you have a SHOUT OUT - email me and I will post it!

During this time of year I always reflect on the fabulous joys in my life and how very grateful I am for them. My students being one of them! My gift to you this holiday season is a short video.  Some of you may have seen it already, but it does not matter.  Please watch it again.  I feel like the message is so powerful.  Please also pass it on to keep the gift of being grateful going.  Thanks to Avery for bringing it to my attention again.  I had almost forgotten about it, but after watching it again I realize I have embedded it into my daily living and have that wish for all of you!

Click HERE to see Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

So Very Grateful!

Thank you for a great day PM class! I am very proud of all of you for putting yourself out there.
You are extraordinary people!  

Tomorrow is AM class in the morning and then specialties in the afternoon.
Please be conscientious of your own schedule and what time you need to be where!

VET STUDENTS - Important Change - I will need all vet students here from 12-1:30 tomorrow as our vet tech has an appointment she can't change.  If you are going to be a little late just text me but it should work for everyone. Kaylee - I believe you are the only one who needed a field trip permission slip.  Please drop a copy of it off to your new Career Counselor tomorrow before leaving so that she can clear your absence.

DENTAL STUDENTS - Be here from 1-3 for your dental hygienist presentation

PEOPLE STUDENTS - Be here from 1-3 for a guest speaker from ValleyCare.  Bring as many questions from the packet as you have - This is the time to get that information answered!


Once again THANK YOU SABRINA - You are a life saver!
Simi shouts out a big thank you to PM class for her birthday card!
PM shouts out a thank you to Quinn for hosting a medocc get together.


Kaiser Students - Please check this schedule as there have been dates added to it for training purposes. Note that on Monday December 8th everyone will be in Livermore for IT training regardless of which site you are assigned to! Same time just for some it may be a different location.

Monday, Dec 1                KP Orientation - Ariel Chan, Director of Student Volunteers 
                        This fulfills the required NEO orientation for the students 
                        10:00 - 12:00 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1, 2, 3 

Tuesday, Dec 2                Livermore/Pleasanton Facility Orientation (to include the San Ramon students) - Kareen Knowles 
                        I will provide an overview of our facilities, expectations and service. 
                        9:45 - 11:45 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1,2,3 for Livermore MOB students 
                        1:30 - 3:30 - Pleasanton Conference Room C for Pleasanton and San Ramon students 
Wednesday, Dec  3        All students are in class 

Thursday, Dec 4        First day for students in the departments! 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 
                        For San Ramon - let's talk about a plan to orient the students to your facility 

Friday, Dec 5                Students in your departments 

Monday, Dec 8                IT/KPHC Training - Romilia Dator, IT Trainer 
                        Livermore IT Training Room 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 

ValleyCare Students - Click HERE for a colored picture of the wipe matrix that you will need to use. Please bring this tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

“Good manners reflect something from inside-an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self.” ― Emily Post

As we prepare to go out to site, Remember -
 "Don't be a jerk. Try to love everyone.  Give more than you take.  And do it despite the fact that you only really like about seven out of five hundred people." - Judd Apatow

Click HERE for the full two minute ramblings of Judd Apatow.
You will love it! Make sure to scroll down though!

Write at least one thank you card following the correct protocol and send or give it to someone.  Remember you need to also put one in your PORTFOLIO binder in class!
Are you interested in Emily Post articles on etiquette and manners? Click HERE



KAISER STUDENTS - Do not forget to turn your permission slips in (by tomorrow if possible!) if not than Wednesday!

Here is your schedule for the first couple of days!

Monday, Dec 1                KP Orientation - Ariel Chan, Director of Student Volunteers 
                        This fulfills the required NEO orientation for the students 
                        10:00 - 12:00 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1, 2, 3 

TuesdayDec 2              Livermore/Pleasanton Facility Orientation (to include the San Ramon students) - Kareen Knowles 
                        I will provide an overview of our facilities, expectations and service. 
                        9:45 - 11:45 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1,2,3 for Livermore MOB students 
                        1:30 - 3:30 - Pleasanton Conference Room C for Pleasanton and San Ramon students 
Wednesday, Dec  3        All students are in class 

Thursday, Dec 4        First day for students in your departments! 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 

ALL NON-KAISER STUDENTS - You have class with an expert from 1-3 pm Thursday, November 20th


ALL VALLEYCARE STUDENTS - READ THIS - IT IS IMPORTANT! (I might even print this out!) ()(
The ROP students should all receive this Surface Disinfectant Wipes Matrix and know how many minutes each surface should be wet (on the wipe container). Also, they should wear gloves and goggles when they clean surfaces.
If they clean thermometers, they should use gloves, goggles and orange top wipes.
The infection control practitioner is out and about and reports when she sees any breaches in the protocol (for example on our SNF), so I want to be sure the ROP students are always seen doing the right thing. 
The offices should be doing the same thing the hospital does, but I can't guarantee it. If an office does not use the wipes, please have the students follow the practice they use.

If yes, do NOT forget to pick up an extra time card and fill it out, and do NOT forget to email me and let me know what hours you intend to work! Thank you


Thank you to Sabrina for being so very organized and helpful!
Thank you to Sahithi for helping out her co-students by posting stamped work on the board!
Thank you to Kristin for organizing 
Thank you to Omar, Cinthia, Sophie, and Breeyn for getting all their docs in to me!

  • Thank you cards - 2 - one for you to give personally & another for your portfolio
  • Please bring your Community Classroom Binder to class the next time you see me. PM that is tomorrow, AM that will be Thursday!
  • Make sure you have your map and directions to your site. 
  • Make sure you have your calendar - we will be adding dates and you will need to copy it and give the copy to your site supervisor with your pink Emergency Sheet!
  • If you have not already, Please give your parents their copy of your emergency sheet so they know what hours you are scheduled and where you will be!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Don't Forget To Breathe!

There is lots of information being given to you this week.  Make sure you know where to be on Wednesday and Thursday and on December 1st! 


KAISER STUDENTS - Do not forget to turn your permission slips in (by tomorrow if possible!) if not than Wednesday! Here is your schedule for the first couple of days!

Monday, Dec 1                KP Orientation - Ariel Chan, Director of Student Volunteers 
                        This fulfills the required NEO orientation for the students 
                        10:00 - 12:00 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1, 2, 3 

TuesdayDec 2              Livermore/Pleasanton Facility Orientation (to include the San Ramon students) - Kareen Knowles 
                        I will provide an overview of our facilities, expectations and service. 
                        9:45 - 11:45 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1,2,3 for Livermore MOB students 
                        1:30 - 3:30 - Pleasanton Conference Room C for Pleasanton and San Ramon students 
Wednesday, Dec  3        All students are in class 

Thursday, Dec 4        First day for students in your departments! 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 

ALL NON-KAISER STUDENTS - You have class with an expert from 1-3 pm Thursday, November 20th


IMMUNIZATIONS - If you still owe me paperwork, needless to say I needed it yesterday!

  • Thank you to Amy T from AM for coordinating our class photos
  • Thank you to Jamie Dittmore AM for being so fabulously flexible!
  • Thank you to all of my ValleyCare Students who spent either their lunch or class time filling out paperwork!

*Do you have someone in class you would like to thank? E-mail me and I will add them on to my daily gratitudes!

  • Parent Signature Sheet is due tomorrow
  • Midterm for our class is tomorrow - 100 questions, T/F or multiple choice.
  • Binder Check tomorrow or possibly Wednesday or Thursday!
  • Please have your small mead (or whatever brand) notebook in class tomorrow.
  • Please have a pack of thank you cards in class tomorrow.  You can usually pick up a pack of ten at the grocery store for about 3.99.  We will not use all of them but we will get started!
  • Please also have your community classroom binder in class tomorrow (with your calendars and the driving map/directions to your site!)