Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” ― Plato

It was wonderful seeing everyone's smiling faces today in class! 
Thank you for bringing such positive energy!

Just wanted to remind you all that I am merely encouraging you to bake some goodies for your site, to bring with our Med Occ Holiday card.  This is not a requirement but a nice gesture.  I realize that money is very tight in many households so please do not feel pressured.  A card from our Med Occs class will certainly suffice, but if you want to go above and beyond then I would definitely encourage it as it will not hurt!

We just received $2750 for our donors choose project! WooHoo! If your parent or someone you know works for a corporation that matches fund please pass our donors choose info on to them so we can get some much needed and great technology for our classroom!  DonorsChoose info is a link on the right hand side of our blog!

As we share information about our sites I am continually amazed how many ROP students are hired after their internship! Congrats to Ogai in my AM class who was offered a job after her internship hours are completed! Yeah!!!
*Have you been accepted and have decided on your college of choice? If so let me know so I can congratulate you and we can post in our classroom!

Please know the following terms for next week.  Your quizzes for MT will be CUMULATIVE (which means I will incorporate what I tested on this week as well).  Please study.
Roots -
onc/o     opthalm/o     oste/o     path/o     psych/o     radi/o     ren/o     rhin/o     sarc/o     sect/o     thromb/o     ur/o  
Suffixes -
-algia     -ion     -emia     -gram     -scope     -osis     -ectomy     -genic     -pathy     -tomy     -itis            -cyte

Thank you to all of my students who helped out today, specifically - Sabrina, Jamie, Sam, Deidre, Perla, and Marcus!

Please finish the two packets in class -

  • Time Management
  • Medical Terminology  (this will help you SO much for your quizzes!)

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