Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, November 17, 2014

Don't Forget To Breathe!

There is lots of information being given to you this week.  Make sure you know where to be on Wednesday and Thursday and on December 1st! 


KAISER STUDENTS - Do not forget to turn your permission slips in (by tomorrow if possible!) if not than Wednesday! Here is your schedule for the first couple of days!

Monday, Dec 1                KP Orientation - Ariel Chan, Director of Student Volunteers 
                        This fulfills the required NEO orientation for the students 
                        10:00 - 12:00 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1, 2, 3 

TuesdayDec 2              Livermore/Pleasanton Facility Orientation (to include the San Ramon students) - Kareen Knowles 
                        I will provide an overview of our facilities, expectations and service. 
                        9:45 - 11:45 - Livermore Conference Rooms 1,2,3 for Livermore MOB students 
                        1:30 - 3:30 - Pleasanton Conference Room C for Pleasanton and San Ramon students 
Wednesday, Dec  3        All students are in class 

Thursday, Dec 4        First day for students in your departments! 
                        9:45 - 11:45 for a.m. students 
                        2:00 - 4:00 for p.m. students 

ALL NON-KAISER STUDENTS - You have class with an expert from 1-3 pm Thursday, November 20th


IMMUNIZATIONS - If you still owe me paperwork, needless to say I needed it yesterday!

  • Thank you to Amy T from AM for coordinating our class photos
  • Thank you to Jamie Dittmore AM for being so fabulously flexible!
  • Thank you to all of my ValleyCare Students who spent either their lunch or class time filling out paperwork!

*Do you have someone in class you would like to thank? E-mail me and I will add them on to my daily gratitudes!

  • Parent Signature Sheet is due tomorrow
  • Midterm for our class is tomorrow - 100 questions, T/F or multiple choice.
  • Binder Check tomorrow or possibly Wednesday or Thursday!
  • Please have your small mead (or whatever brand) notebook in class tomorrow.
  • Please have a pack of thank you cards in class tomorrow.  You can usually pick up a pack of ten at the grocery store for about 3.99.  We will not use all of them but we will get started!
  • Please also have your community classroom binder in class tomorrow (with your calendars and the driving map/directions to your site!)

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