Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a restful winter break.  Happy 2015!

Please be as prepared as usual when you go out to site tomorrow. Remember to wear your uniform, remove piercings, hair pulled back if needed with a warm happy smile!

I can't wait to see all of you at site this week!

I realize that gearing back up after having a week or two off can be challenging so my holiday gift to all of you is no quiz this week!

Make sure to bring your medical terminology packet to class this Wednesday.  We will be going through it and studying!

As usual if you need anything or have any questions shoot me an email or text.

Please let me know if you were admitted or accepted to your program of choice next year! I would love to give you props! :) - Ms. B

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