Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dates, Dates and More Dates

Happy Monday - So great to see your smiling faces out there today!

Just a couple of quick...


  • Timesheets need to be turned in Wednesday.  Some of you may only have one, some may have three.  No matter, they are due on Wednesday.  remember if you forget yours or yours did not get signed you STILL fill out a yellow one so I can record your time!
  • LVJUSD STUDENTS - Both GHS and LHS! - Thursday, January 22nd is a weird schedule for the district writing assessment.  You may not be able to go to site depending on the different schedules.  If you will not be at site that day I need to know.  Please check you school bell schedule and let your SITE and PARENT know what you are planning on doing!
  • FHS/ AVHS  - You have finals the week of January 20,21,22 - Please get me a copy of your finals schedule. You should be able to attend site all three days as final days are half days.  Please let me know if you have a conflict otherwise I will expect to see you at site and in class that week.
  • DHS - You have finals the week of January 21,22,23 - Please bring me a copy of your  finals schedule. You should be able to attend site all three days as final days are half days.  Please let me know if you have a conflict otherwise I will expect to see you at site and in class that week.  Exception, my DHS students that are in my AM class - let's talk on Wednesday! 

If you are requesting a letter of recommendation please give me at least three weeks to get it done.  It is a busy time of year for all of us and I would hate to rush through it and not give you my 110% because of lack of time.

to Simi in my PM class who was accepted to CSUSF!
to Jenna in my AM class who is 7 for 7 for getting into different nursing programs!

I love to hear about your successes! Please let me know so I can give you all props.  You all work so very hard and deserve a round of applause! Happy day  Ms. Buck

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