Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Friday, January 30, 2015


Happy Friday Med Occ Students

Here are a couple of reminders for this upcoming week...

  • Tuesday, February 3rd - CaHSEE Testing. Please see the following links for your school's' schedule. AVHS FHS & DHS do not have a weird schedule this week.  As far as I can tell if you are a morning student your internship times will be fine you just may have the afternoon off on Tuesday.  If you are a PM student ask to see if you can attend your site in the morning or after your regularly scheduled classes that day.  Keep me posted as to what you decide!                                                                              GHS CAHSEE SCHEDULE                                     LHS CHASEE SCHEDULE
  • Wednesday, February 4th - CaSHEE TESTING AGAIN... But - I have two guest speakers in the morning so even though you are not scheduled to come to class I want you here.  We will have the Nursing Director from Chabot and the Paramedic Program Director from Las Positas coming to present! AM CLASS BE HERE AT 9:30 sharp!  PM Class - We will have guest speakers in the afternoon too! 
  • VET STUDENTS - Wednesday, February 4th - Click HERE for a flier from Foothill Community College! Word on the street is that vet offices are more likely to hire from Foothill than from any other vet tech program.  They will be coming to our class to present but it may be worth your while to go check it out. They will also be having an open house in March.
  • Week of February 2nd-6th                                                                                                   WEAR YOUR SCRUBS TO SCHOOL THIS WEEK FOR EXTRA CREDIT!  Take a selfie of yourself in your scrubs on campus.  I will be passing out ROP fliers for you to hand out! 2 points a day! Make sure to pick up fliers from me on Wednesday!
Are you a FHS Med Occ student that would be willing to work a lunch time table to represent the MedOcc program next Tuesday, Feb.3rd? If you said YES, please text or call so I can get you the details.  You can add this time to your timesheet for next week!

Word on the street is that a couple Med Occ kids get this every year! So APPLY now!
Click HERE for the application!

Thank you to Omar DeLeon, Kendal Newman, Sam Walters & Emily Betando for presenting to their counselors and admin teams! You guys rocked it! - Do not forget to put the hours on your timesheet either! 

I am in the process of getting everything ready for our MedOcc Partner Appreciation gifts! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - If there is any way you would be willing to bring in one bag of Valentine candy, anything red, I would greatly appreciate the donation to our class.  You can start bringing it in this Wednesday! Thank you in advance.

  • Click HERE for your MINI-ME assignment.  It is due Wednesday, February 4th.  We will go over it in class.  Please bring any questions on Wednesday.  You will have a little bit of time to work on it in class. (it appears I am missing two words - do not worry about them!)
  • Group Game Boards are due on February 25th! Please make sure that you have all of the requirements done (study guide, instructions, etc...)
  • Last, but certainly not least you will need to reset your goals and objectives with your supervisor. I would like to have them all in to me by this Wednesday! Click HERE to see what an example looks like.  Remember your goals should be progressing, this should not be a copy of your first set you did in December!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Educational Revolution

Happy Monday Fabulous Med Occ Students!
Today's BLOG is filled with ALL kinds of information, dates,etc...
Please take close note and come prepared to class on Wednesday!

I was able to see Jess and her family last Thursday when I brought dinner to the hospital.  Jess is making great progress!  She and her family appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts being sent their way.  They wanted me to make sure that you all knew she was wearing her belt, she was not under the influence, and it was a solo car accident.  The CHP now believes she was not ejected from the car but climbed out of the vehicle right after the accident.  There is a gofundme website if you, your family, or any organization would like to donate.  We may discuss doing some sort of Med Occs fundraiser for her in class.  Please bring your ideas.  Click HERE to go to her fundraiser page.  I would like you all to take a moment to pause and make sure you are doing your gratitudes.

Check out this VIDEO - its all about an Educational Revolution! Watch it, think about it and then come to class with a minimum of five things you are passionate about and careers that involve those passions - please keep it appropriate ;) Thanks. Ms. B


  • Tuesday, January 27th - Thanks to Omar, Natalie, & Zhara for meeting me in LHS's Career Center tomorrow for a meeting with the counselors about Med Occs!
  • Wednesday, January 28th - Thanks in advance to Alyssa and Sam for meeting me at the GHS career center to present the counselors!
  • Friday, January 30th - ALL KAISER INTERNS are to attend an IT training at Kaiser Livermore during your scheduled internship time.  Please remind your supervisors that you will not be at site but will be at the IT training that day.  For example if I am a PM student that usually interns in Kaiser San Ramon I will go to Kaiser Livermore that day during my PM time.  Any questions/confusions? Just ASK!
  • Tuesday, February 3rd - CaHSEE Testing. Please see the following links for your schools' schedule.  I currently do NOT have a schedule for AVHS, FHS, or DHS, but as soon as they get them to me I will post them.  As far as I can tell if you are a morning student your internship times will be fine you just may have the afternoon off on Tuesday.  If your a PM student ask to see if you can attend your site in the morning or after your regularly scheduled classes that day.  Keep me posted as to what you decide!                                                       GHS CAHSEE SCHEDULE                                      LHS CHASEE SCHEDULE
  • Wednesday, February 4th - CaSHEE TESTING AGAIN... But - I have two guest speakers in the morning so even though you are not scheduled to come to class I want you here.  We will have the Nursing Director from Chabot and the Paramedic Program Director from Las Positas coming to present! AM CLASS BE HERE AT 9:30 sharp!  PM Class - We will have guest speakers in the afternoon too! 
  • VET STUDENTS - Wednesday, February 4th - Click HERE for a flier from Foothill Community College! Word on the street is that vet offices are more likely to hire from Foothill than from any other vet tech program.  They will coming to our lass to present but it may be worth your while to go check it out. They will also be having an open house in March.
  • Week of February 2nd-6th                                                                                                   WEAR YOUR SCRUBS TO SCHOOL THIS WEEK FOR EXTRA CREDIT!  Take a selfie of yourself in your scrubs on campus.  I will be passing out ROP fliers for you to hand out! 2 points a day! Make sure to pick up fliers from me on Wednesday!
Word on the street is that a couple Med Occ kids get this every year! So APPLY now!
Click HERE for the application!

Thank you to Juliana Fontana for presenting to FHS's counselors last week - You ROCKED it!

I am in the process of getting everything ready for our MedOcc Partner Appreciation gifts! If there is any way you would be willing to bring in one bag of Valentine candy, anything red, I would greatly appreciate the donation to our class.  You can start bringing it in this Wednesday! Thank you in advance.

Click HERE for your MINI-ME assignment.  It is due Wednesday, February 4th.  We will go over it in class.  Please bring any questions on Wednesday.  You will have a little bit of time to work on it in class.
Group Game Boards are due on February 25th! Please make sure that you have all of the requirements done (study guide, instructions, etc...)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It is officially FLU season!

With at least five students out today sick, and with my own case of influenza rearing its ugly head I wanted to remind all of you that the BEST way to avoid catching something is basic HAND WASHING! Yes, that is correct! That primary lesson we learned at the beginning of the school year is now being put to the test.  Make sure to wash your hands on a regular basis and cough into your elbow if you need to.

Ever wonder why someone encouraged you to take a ROP class?
Check out THIS video and write down FIVE thoughts you have about it. Agree/disagree/motivating/not so much/ etc... This is a for points assignment!


  • I missed some Birthdays last week and I will of course be getting your cards passed around but wanted to publicly say... Happy Birthday to Kendal, Kaylee & Bahar!
  • Wanted to thank my Classroom Managers from last week but especially a HUGE THANK YOU to Taylor M. for coming in last week as class manager and anticipating my needs in my PM class.  She was collecting and sorting before I could even look to see who my manager was! Way to go Taylor!

All evaluations are due into me tomorrow.  If you have not had your supervisor hand you one, please ask them for it today.

All Kaiser interns - you MUST attend an IT training day on Friday, January 30th out at the Livermore office regardless of what site you are assigned.  If you are a Kaiser morning intern then you will need to be in Livermore from 10-11 am.  If you are a Kaiser afternoon student please be in Livermore from 2-3 pm.  You will NOT go to your site that day, please remind your supervisor that you have IT training!

Do you ever forget to pick up a new time sheet? Click HERE for a timesheet to print out. :)

Did you give blood? Let me know - because you know I won't remember! I will have you write your names down next week - please remind me so I can make a certificate for your portfolio.


You all will get a second chance on the quiz you took last Wednesday.  I will re test tomorrow!  You will get to pick which test you want to keep as far as score. :) Please study your  MT packet!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Did you give a copy of your January calendar to your site?

If you answered NO, to this question then they are probably having a hard time scheduling you!
PLEASE make a copy today and drop it by for them! Remember we have lots of weird dates this month - if you have already forgotten refer to the last blog post!

Click HERE to get free printable calendars if you need them for the new year!

Remember feedback is just that, information for you to improve on what you are already doing.  It is a good thing even if it feels otherwise. I am excited to go over your evaluations with each of you during our one on ones in the upcoming weeks!

Speaking of evaluations... Please confirm that your supervisor has received my email and has printed off the evaluation form.  If they have not please give them your copy or download one HERE.  Your supervisor may go over it with you or may not.  They are supposed to enclose it in an envelope and give to you to hand over to me by next Wednesday.  Remember if you are not going to be her next Wednesday because of finals you will need to find a way to get it to me along with your timesheet.

All Kaiser interns - you MUST attend an IT training day on Friday, January 30th out at the Livermore office regardless of what site you are assigned.  If you are a Kaiser morning intern then you will need to be in Livermore from 10-11 am.  If you are a Kaiser afternoon student please be in Livermore from 2-3 pm.  You will NOT go to your site that day, please remind your supervisor that you have IT training!

Do you ever forget to pick up a new time sheet? Click HERE for a timesheet to print out. :)

Did you give blood? Let me know - because you know I won't remember! I will have you write your names down next week - please remind me so I can make a certificate for your portfolio.

Please Please Please... Karen Lounsbury at Valley Care needs a couple of students to help tomorrow and Friday morning or afternoon tomorrow! I would really appreciate it if you could go and help even if you are not at Valley Care and even if you are a vet student! Text me if you plan to go!

You all will get a second chance on the quiz you took today.  I will re test next Wednesday.  You will get to pick which test you want to keep as far as score. :) Please study your  MT packet!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

So Many Announcements So Little Time...

Congratulations to
our two Med Occ INTERNS OF THE WEEK!

Birthday - January 15th
Favorite Color - Purple
Favorite Food - lasagna & sushi, but not together
Graduate - 2015
Next Year - Davis for vet schooling
Where I  Intern - Livermore Vet Hospital
Why MedOccs? - A way for me to gain vet experience while preparing for my future.
Best part of wearing scrubs? - I don't have to think about what I am going to wear and they are sooooo comfortable!

Kendal was awarded based upon her great ability to work with all different types of people and animals! Her staff could not be more pleased with her progress! GO KENDAL!

Birthday - February 15th
Favorite Color - Blue
Favorite Food - Sushi
Graduate - 2015
Next Year - Las Positas
Where I  Intern - Kaiser Pleasanton Radiology
Why MedOccs? - To see if the medical field is right for me.
Best part of wearing scrubs? -They feel like pajamas!

Diana was awarded based on her fabulous customer service skills! Kaiser Radiology could not stop gushing about what an amazing job she was doing rooming patients!  


GHS will have a modified schedule NEXT THURSDAY, the 15th for the addition of homeroom. Click HERE for the link to the schedule.  You may need to work a modified day next Thursday - especially if you are a Kaiser intern.

LHS - NEXT THURSDAY, THE 15TH IS your district writing assessment day.  Please check school loop to find out what time you need to be at school.  I have all of the info posted in my classroom.  Please also let site know if you will not be going that day.  I would assume this impacts my morning students more than my afternoon.  Remember if you plan on changing your hours that day or not going to site you MUST email me, your parent and your site supervisor.  Thank you.

GHS - Thursday, January the 22nd is your district writing assessment! Please see the attached schedule HERE to see what time you need to be where. Remember if you plan on changing your hours that day or not going to site you MUST email me, your parent and your site supervisor.  Thank you.

EVERYONE - No school on Monday, January 19th - however this would be a great day for you to pick up extra hours at site if site is open.  Please email me, your parent, and your site supervisor if you plan to work on this non school day.  Thank you.

AVHS/FHS - You have finals the week of January 20th, 21st, 22nd.  The 22nd would be the final for my class.  Since you will not be in class with me that day I would encourage you to pick up extra hours at your site that Thursday.  If you do so please email me, your parent, and your site supervisor.  In addition you have no school scheduled for Friday but I still expect you to be at site.  You may modify your schedule (ie; go in early to get off early) as long as you get the ok with your supervisor and you email me and a parent.*

DHS - You have finals the week of January 21st, 22nd, and 23rd.  You may continue to go to site or you may modify your schedule.  If you choose to modify please email me, your parent, and your site supervisor.*

* REMEMBER - If you are missing days then you are missing hours and you will need to come up with a plan to make up those hours if you have not already banked  some!

All GHS students interested in peer tutoring please click HERE.  You can earn extra classroom hours by participating! 

  • Gameboard is due February 25th - it sounds like a lot of time but remember we only meet once a week and I have a couple of guest speakers coming in.  Please use the time I give you in class wisely! 
  • QUIZ/TEST - There will be a quiz/test on your entire Medical Terminology packet (don't freak out - the one we have had since the beginning of trimester 2, not the super big one) next Wednesday.  Use that packet as your study guide!

Many students are forgetting to get their timesheets signed or leaving them at home.  This is a ZERO out of 25 points for the week. This is not good for you.   Remember in the real world no time sheet = no paycheck! At MedOccs no timesheet = no points.  

Unfortunately I have had three students out of compliance and this is unacceptable.  I am very clear what the uniform standards are. You and your parents all signed contracts.  This includes the NO CELL PHONE policy.  I saw far too many phones in class today.  Do NOT get lazy.  It will impact your grade and has the potential to get you pulled from site.  

I will check journals periodically in class and at site.  Note to self - Make sure they are updated!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dates, Dates and More Dates

Happy Monday - So great to see your smiling faces out there today!

Just a couple of quick...


  • Timesheets need to be turned in Wednesday.  Some of you may only have one, some may have three.  No matter, they are due on Wednesday.  remember if you forget yours or yours did not get signed you STILL fill out a yellow one so I can record your time!
  • LVJUSD STUDENTS - Both GHS and LHS! - Thursday, January 22nd is a weird schedule for the district writing assessment.  You may not be able to go to site depending on the different schedules.  If you will not be at site that day I need to know.  Please check you school bell schedule and let your SITE and PARENT know what you are planning on doing!
  • FHS/ AVHS  - You have finals the week of January 20,21,22 - Please get me a copy of your finals schedule. You should be able to attend site all three days as final days are half days.  Please let me know if you have a conflict otherwise I will expect to see you at site and in class that week.
  • DHS - You have finals the week of January 21,22,23 - Please bring me a copy of your  finals schedule. You should be able to attend site all three days as final days are half days.  Please let me know if you have a conflict otherwise I will expect to see you at site and in class that week.  Exception, my DHS students that are in my AM class - let's talk on Wednesday! 

If you are requesting a letter of recommendation please give me at least three weeks to get it done.  It is a busy time of year for all of us and I would hate to rush through it and not give you my 110% because of lack of time.

to Simi in my PM class who was accepted to CSUSF!
to Jenna in my AM class who is 7 for 7 for getting into different nursing programs!

I love to hear about your successes! Please let me know so I can give you all props.  You all work so very hard and deserve a round of applause! Happy day  Ms. Buck

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a restful winter break.  Happy 2015!

Please be as prepared as usual when you go out to site tomorrow. Remember to wear your uniform, remove piercings, hair pulled back if needed with a warm happy smile!

I can't wait to see all of you at site this week!

I realize that gearing back up after having a week or two off can be challenging so my holiday gift to all of you is no quiz this week!

Make sure to bring your medical terminology packet to class this Wednesday.  We will be going through it and studying!

As usual if you need anything or have any questions shoot me an email or text.

Please let me know if you were admitted or accepted to your program of choice next year! I would love to give you props! :) - Ms. B