Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Have you had a Healthy Snack Today?
Thanks for another great day in Med Occs! Eat well, Sleep well and don't forget your Daily Gratitudes!

Career Center Links
Thank you to Ms. Mintz from the GHS Career Center for her invaluable information today.  As promised here are the websites for all of the schools Career Centers.
GHS - Ms. Mintz -
FHS - Ms. Ballas - (probably not updated because they got a new person)

2014 Tri-Valley College and Career Fair
Wednesday, October 15th from 6:30-8:30 at Livermore High School
Click here for a link to the flier - College and Career Fair 2014

Don't Forget Tuesday, September 16th is the Blood Drive.
Click here for a picture of the flier - Blood Drive Flier
Remember if you are 16 you will need parents permission, and if you are 17 or older you can register on line! Look for the pink sign up sheet by the sing in binder in class!

Sunscreen Video

Homework Tonight

1. Find out what kind of medical insurance you have.  How/Where do you get it? Who provides it? how much does it cost? What does it cover? If you do not have insurance or your family is not comfortable discussing this with you, research different medical insurance possibilities and do a cost and service analysis.  Be ready to report back to the class tomorrow!

2.  Healthy Snack Share Friday - Be Ready to Go!

3.  If you did not view the hand washing video go back to last nights blog and get it done!

4.  Don't forget to make an appointment with your Career Counselor today!

School Specifics
Check here for info regarding your specific site
  • GHS Students - ASE starts tomorrow - Be ready! Go online to find class selections
  • LHS Students in the AM - Please be to class at 10 AM tomorrow!
  • ALL LHS Students - It seems there is a snafu with Back To School Night - Please have your parent call me if they can not make it.  LHS gave me the time for my BTSN but I am now hearing it does not work.  Once again please have your parent call me - preferably on my cell if after 3 o'clock or before 9:30.
  • FHS/AVHS Students - Enjoy Senior Picnic Tomorrow - We will miss you! Make sure to check the blog!

I have had too many dress code violations in both my AM and PM classes!
I do NOT want to see your undergarments or your bellies, or anything else for that matter! Please cover up and dress appropriately so I do not have to pull out student contracts.

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