Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Monday Med Occs!

Bullards is TODAY!
Bullards is where you will order your uniforms.  Here is the address: 6500 Dublin Blvd.
Click here for a link to google maps for Bullards - Map to Bullards

All immunizations should now be in to me! If you know you are missing something get on it.  I can NOT place you at site without immunizations or CPR! Again, you will not get an internship without these!

Career Center Links
Thank you to Ms. Mintz from the GHS Career Center for her invaluable information today.  As promised here are the websites for all of the schools Career Centers.
GHS - Ms. Mintz -
FHS - Ms. Ballas - (probably not updated because they got a new person)

2014 Tri-Valley College and Career Fair
Wednesday, October 15th from 6:30-8:30 at Livermore High School
Click here for a link to the flier - College and Career Fair 2014

Don't Forget Tuesday, September 16th is the Blood Drive.
Click here for a picture of the flier - Blood Drive Flier
Remember if you are 16 you will need parents permission, and if you are 17 or older you can register on line! Look for the pink sign up sheet by the sing in binder in class!

Homework for Tonight

Label this Paper - Daily Blog Thoughts and date it.  it can all be done on one page!
1.  What type of specialty area are you interested in?  I really appreciate those of you that
     say - "I trust your system Ms. Buck."  :-)  If you are interested in dental/oral 
     surgery or veterinary, I will place you in those areas. 

2.  Who in history, dead or alive, would you like to write about regarding the history
     of medicine?  The more obscure people will not be as easy to research, so I will need to know
     who you have chosen (approval process).  ( or

3.  Why is nutrition important?  Please write down 10 non-perishable items that you can 
     carry in your backpack or bag that you can "graze" on during the day.  Choose healthy
     proteins and add some carbohydrates.  Example:  apple, string cheese, crackers. I will ask you
     to write these up and create a shopping list.  Fun and easy recipes/food combinations welcome!

4. Bring in a typed list of five unusual careers that are not well known and a brief description of each.
  Check out to find these careers or just Google - unusual medical careers or jobs. 

5.  This assignment is NOT due tomorrow, but you need to make the appointment ASAP - It IS DUE Friday, September 26th!  Click here for your Career Center Assignment!

Anticipate The Need

Be ready for starting our infection control module tomorrow.  Please watch this video:                                   
Or....type in Healthcare Worker Hand Hygiene and see this picture 
There is even one on YouTube called Handwashing Gangnam Style HA HA

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