Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination. Tommy Lasorda

CONGRATULATIONS to our LHS & GHS students who finished their second trimester this week! Phew! I was worried about some of your stress levels.  Please do not forget to breathe!

Check it out HERE! Every fifteen minutes we don't text, tweet, email, post, etc... from our phone UNICEF donors & supporters can and will fund one day of clean water for a child in need! No skin off your finger tips! Take the challenge and learn more about UNICEF today!


DUE: You will need to have...
registered with Las Positas and have printed out the articulation form.
Please go to THIS link to begin the process! 
STEP 1 - Create an account with Las Positas.  Those of you who have already registered with Las Positas you may already have an account.
STEP 2 - You MUST print out the Course articulation form and turn it in to me.
STEP 3 - I will sign all of them and pass them to my boss to then sign. 
STEP 4 - We will submit them to Las Positas.
You should have an official transcript from Las Positas no later than November.

ACTIVITY for MARCH 18th: We will have Ohlone's Respiratory Therapy Department come and present to both AM and PM classes.  They will be bringing students and will be demonstrating an intubation! Super cool! If you don't remember what "intubation" means, make sure to look it up before you come!

Please print out THIS parent letter and have your parent read and sign it.  It is worth points!

Nursing Schools Almanac has just launched its inaugural 2015 Aspiring Nurse Scholarship. Our website will award a $1,000 scholarship to an aspiring nurse who best demonstrates:

+ A track record of academic excellence, particularly in science and mathematics
+ A passion for the nursing profession and the overall field of healthcare

This scholarship competition is open to all high school seniors who plan to pursue college education in nursing, including LPN / LVN, ADN, and BSN programs. Scholarship applications will be accepted until midnight on June 30.

We ask interested students to visit and click the banner on the right-hand side of the website's homepage. Here they'll find detailed scholarship information and the official application form.

ValleyCare Auxiliary scholarship application for 2015.  Please make this available to your seniors wanting to study in a medical related field.  Please note that completed applications are due back to me no later than March 27.
Click HERE for the application.

  • Starting the week after spring break we will be having weekly quizzes/tests to prep you for the CCBMA
  • This is the last week to ORDER Med Occ sweatshirts.  Click HERE for the link to order!

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