Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Monday, August 25, 2014

Thanks for a GREAT First Day!

Thank you for a great first day!

I really enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to working together for a fabulous school year

Here is your assignment tonight: Go to:
Check out the video on how to sign the ASL alphabet. Be prepared to sign your name when you come into class tomorrow! Also, look up information online about medical alert bracelet or necklace. Write down ten important facts about them.

Here are some reminders...
Practice your ASL - be able to finger-spell your name.
Follow the dress code - no underwear or bellies showing.
Bring in your sports schedule if you have one so I know if there are any conflicts.
Bring in pink emergency form signed by your parent.
Reminder: No cell phones. No gum. Also please do not wear perfume and/or cologne in class or at internship sites....too many allergies.

AM traveling students - Remind me to pass out your parking passes - GHS will begin ticketing on Wednesday!

And if you have not already done so, the following is needed in class by Friday... Here is a list of what is required for this class by Friday, 8/29:

TWO copies of your immunization records/checklist from orientation
TWO copies of your CPR card - front and back
Pens and Pencils
Three 3-ring binders (1", white/window front)  Print out one page for each binder.  Each binder has its own title: CLASSROOM, COMMUNITY CLASSROOM AND PORTFOLIO (center of the page). Make sure your NAME is on the bottom of each page.
Color pencils or color markers for projects, as well as a highlighter or two
Calendars:  Print out 1 each for the months of September 2013 to June 2014
 Ms. Buckley

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