Med Occs Motto

"For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency, students must be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. They become interested when they are actively working on projects which they can relate to their values and goals in life." - Gus Tuberville

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Communication, Body Language, & ASL - Learning a whole new language!

HOMEWORK:    Medical Alert / American Medical I.D.     (15 points)


1. Make a list of 10 reasons why a patient needs to have medical alert jewelry on at all times.

2. Ask a family member, or from your own experience, type up a story, 1-2 paragraphs, about someone you know (no names please!) that has a medical alert bracelet or necklace or about someone who needs one.  Handwritten papers will not be accepted.  NAME and DATE on your paper, upper left hand corner please.

Story:  Go to the "More Info" tab on the website above - look at the life stories!!!  You may copy and paste from this.

Due to the fact we ran out of time in class today I will not have you do the "Anticipate the Need" write up (15 points) tonight (probably tomorrow night though, so if you want to get ahead... hint hint hint.

I will give you until Thursday to complete your "Anticipate the Need" Poster for class.

Details about the Poster
(20 points)
8.5 x 11 (regular paper size) 
Short and concise - to the point!
Tell us how you will anticipate a need for medical occs or for our every day life!
Should be easy to read from back of classroom!
Make sure to check your spelling
Make it visually appealing - remember we are putting this up in our classroom :)
Read the blog from last night too - I am still waiting on some paperwork/forms from some of you. You know who you are.

Practice your ASL for 5 minutes, read over the syllabus and have a parent/guardian sign it!

Last but certainly not least you MUST have your UNIFORM sheet returned to me by TOMORROW!

So to sum it up, tomorrow you will need...

1. Uniform form
2. Syllabus with initial
3. Medical Alert assignment
4. Any immunization paperwork / CPR cards
5.  Your binders (Please bring 20 dividers total so we can separate them into each one)

Have a great evening! Ms. Buck

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